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aPple nErd

macrumors 68030
Original poster
Feb 12, 2012
Jailbreaks/IOS Hacks
so i've recently downloaded photoshop and played with it a little. I'd like to start makeing icons but i want to make skeuomorphic icons instead of flat ones. Where can i find resources to use in icons like silhouettes and textures and things? Also how can i create a custom shape for icons then just start from there for each icon or would it be easier to use a mask?


macrumors 68020
May 31, 2012
New England
Photoshop contains some textures and filters out of the box, but if you google you will quickly find more resources that you can import. As for the icons, I would suggest making square icons, that way you can apply any mask you want later without worrying about the edges. I would also suggest you make the icons big, I make mine 1024x1024 so I can use them on my Mac (obviously, I downsize them for my phone).
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