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Forced Perfect

macrumors 6502
Jul 2, 2004
Toronto, Canada.
Maayan said:
It does to me, if I'm planning on installing it. :) If, say, my favorite and frequently-used applications don't work just yet...

Again, that doesn't mean anything right now.

The final version probably won't be anything like the WWDC pre-release. Just look at Panther, it only had half the stuff the final version had.

Something that works now, might not work at all in the final. And something that doesn't work now could work better then.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2002
Hector said:
if you want to piss people off flame away.

i'm running 10.4 pirated but i know what i'm doing, yes noobs should be told to not use tiger dont flame everyone some of us know what were talking about and are useing tiger in a sensible manner.

ummm...i think that's exactly what people have been saying. Newbies proceed at your own risk. Am I missing something???


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2003
San Francisco, CA
superbovine said:
you didn't answer his question either, why are you posting?
Because like musicpyrite, I'm tired of seeing someone just ask something about Tiger only to get flamed or responded to by someone with some high and mighty attitude who seems to be hoping that Tiger will erase the person's hard drive for the sake of "justice"...or something...

I posted to defend the starter of the thread. By posting I actually had the intent of improving the thread and helping out the person who started it.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2003
San Francisco, CA
Forced Perfect said:
Again, that doesn't mean anything right now.

The final version probably won't be anything like the WWDC pre-release. Just look at Panther, it only had half the stuff the final version had.

Something that works now, might not work at all in the final. And something that doesn't work now could work better then.
Yeah but he's not talking about the final version, he just wants to know the pros and cons (besides the obvious ones) of installing the current beta.

I dunno if this was mentioned, but if you (the thread starter) don't have a separate drive or partition, then definiely don't install it. But if you do, then there isn't much harm in it...sure it could in theory suddenly erase your hard drive, but this is a copy that thousands of developers are installing, not some leaked internal Apple build.


macrumors 68000
Jan 6, 2004
Cape Cod
Another thing I've seen is that some images appear fuzzy or out of focus. Usually fixed by hitting the refresh button 'bout 10 times.


macrumors regular
May 28, 2004
Athens, GA, USA
James L said:
I say if you are a legit developer you will be smart enough to not count on Tiger yet, or any pre-release beta for that matter yet.

If you are not a legit developer and have obtained an illigitimate copy than I say you get what you deserve.

Enjoy... at your own risk!



Love the elitism. How cutesy.


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
3rd Party Cards

The drivers for third-party Ethernet cards with the Realtek chipset no longer work (ie, my Netgear GA311). Email to Realtek has received no response.

The software governing the PowerLogix 1Ghz G3 upgrade card in my Blue&White no longer functions. While the processor works, it seems to be running at a significantly reduced clock speed (~1/3 what it was before, which may even be the 400Mhz set by the jumpers. I really don't know for sure, but before/after benchmarks are telling me something). Other cache options may or may not have reverted as well, I can't tell. I have heard back from PowerLogix, in which an actual person said the software team would be taking a look. Interpret that however you will.

Either way, 294 seems solid. Safari runs unreasonably slowly at times, often hogging the entire processor while in the background even though nothing is frozen or pinwheeling. A quick quit and re-open fixes the problem.

Will be reverting back to Panther today, until a new build comes along. I need my processor & gigabit back :)


macrumors regular
Oct 14, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
Well I'll hold off on flames and answer the question.

Mail is REALLY flakey sometimes. When sending mail i have big issues on getting them to actually go out or to keep them from sending multiple times.

iChat won't send files over AIM without crashing and sometimes crashes for no reason whatsoever.

iTunes is iffy and I can't get my iTMS account to work.

Those are the only ones I can think of right now, but I know there's more (not on my Mac right now).

This is very much a beta and not reliable enough to use as a main OS, IMO. It's fun to play with a bit, but I certainly wouldn't recommend ditching Panther and relying on Tiger at this point. I have it on an external boot disk and primarily use Panther. YMMV.

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