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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 3, 2008

This touch id method sounds like what Apple was working on but didn't get implemented - a camera under the OLED that you can touch to unlock right on the screen. The screen is nearly the full size of the device with minimal bezel.

The only downside is that, if you need to authenticate in-app, then there has to be a "permanent" place "on-screen" where you'd touch. It seems odd to have to do that ON an app while its running. That said, the touch ID apps I have like 1Password always need it to open so the design problem likely isn't really an issue.
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The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010

This touch id method sounds like what Apple was working on but didn't get implemented - a camera under the OLED that you can touch to unlock right on the screen. The screen is nearly the full size of the device with minimal bezel.

The only downside is that, if you need to authenticate in-app, then there has to be a "permanent" place "on-screen" where you'd touch. It seems odd to have to do that ON an app while its running. That said, the touch ID apps I have like 1Password always need it to open so the design problem likely isn't really an issue.
touch ID was scrapped for face ID....touch ID wasn't ditched because they couldn't do it.


macrumors 604
Jun 19, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
touch ID was scrapped for face ID....touch ID wasn't ditched because they couldn't do it.

That's one theory. Another theory is they tried what the OP is suggesting and couldn't get it and went on to FaceID. Only a few high level Apple insiders will know the real truth. Surely none of us will ever know the truth. Don't listen to everything the Apple PR machine tells us either. They won't give insider info.

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
That's one theory. Another theory is they tried what the OP is suggesting and couldn't get it and went on to FaceID. Only a few high level Apple insiders will know the real truth. Surely none of us will ever know the truth. Don't listen to everything the Apple PR machine tells us either. They won't give insider info.

If it wasn’t sure they wouldn’t have even commented on the story. Something like Face ID has been in the works for ages after all


macrumors 604
Jun 19, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Just common sense really. They wouldn’t even mention something like that unless they were telling the truth. They didn’t have to even make any comment on it

So you see no reason why they wouldn't want to advertise to the world that they tried another technology but failed and had to move on to Plan B?

I personally think they wanted to do the embedded FP scanner but it was ready just yet. Yes, they had been working on FaceID for some time but I think when Plan A failed they rushed the FaceID.

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
So you see no reason why they wouldn't want to advertise to the world that they tried another technology but failed and had to move on to Plan B?

I personally think they wanted to do the embedded FP scanner but it was ready just yet. Yes, they had been working on FaceID for some time but I think when Plan A failed they rushed the FaceID.
I'm sure they did want FP scanner under the display due not thinking face ID would be ready. They certainly didn't rush face ID considering how many years they were said to be working on it. If they had long term plans for FP scanner under the display they would have not mentioned it and continued with it for this year but they scrapped it all together. That shows it was never their plan A


macrumors 65816
Mar 5, 2012
Right behind you
From all the rumors and leaks, apple seemed to be working on embedding TouchID into the new display. FaceID most certainly was being worked on for years. It was not just a plan B when apple was unable to embed TouchID. Had apple found the way to embed TouchID, I believe we would not have gotten FaceID. We would have gotten the TrueDepth camera, but not used to unlock your phone, or maybe both would have been employed?
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2015
The rumors that they were working on Touch ID and then scrapped it at the last minute were false rumors. Rumors are inferred based on things like component orders, and the touch Id sensors were never ordered for the X, so the analysts just assumed it was because of a problem. It was never because of a problem and touch id under the screen was simply never planned.

I don't have insider info, just common sense. It is impossible to create the design, manufacturing tools, and required software and component orders at the last minute like the rumors had been saying. IMPOSSIBLE. Especially when there are millions of devices being made. iPhone X was never planned to have touch ID. Maybe they tried under screen touch Id in a prototype 2 years ago, but in no way did it happen the way the rumor mill made it appear.


macrumors 68030
Nov 3, 2005
It is my personal opinion that this was not only intended for the X but will be implemented in the future on Apple devices.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011

This touch id method sounds like what Apple was working on but didn't get implemented - a camera under the OLED that you can touch to unlock right on the screen. The screen is nearly the full size of the device with minimal bezel.

The only downside is that, if you need to authenticate in-app, then there has to be a "permanent" place "on-screen" where you'd touch. It seems odd to have to do that ON an app while its running. That said, the touch ID apps I have like 1Password always need it to open so the design problem likely isn't really an issue.
Those wishing for the return of Touch ID need to give it up.

Just like those wishing for the return of the headphone jack had to give it up.

Apple Senior VP of Hardware Engineering, Dan Riccio:
“Arguably the toughest challenge that we had is to replace Touch ID,” Apple’s Dan Riccio says. “It was very, very hard. If we were going to replace it we wanted to replace it with something that was at the end of the day both better and more natural.”

Riccio also flatly counters the narrative that Apple was still trying to use Touch ID in the iPhone X this year.

“I heard some rumor [that] we couldn’t get Touch ID to work through the glass so we had to remove that,” Riccio says, answering a question about whether there were late design changes. “When we hit early line of sight on getting Face ID to be [as] good as it was, we knew that if we could be successful we could enable the product that we wanted to go off and do and if that’s true it could be something that we could burn the bridges and be all in with. This is assuming it was a better solution. And that’s what we did. So we spent no time looking at fingerprints on the back or through the glass or on the side because if we did those things, which would be a last-minute change, they would be a distraction relative to enabling the more important thing that we were trying to achieve, which was Face ID done in a high-quality way.”

From here:


macrumors 65816
Mar 5, 2012
Right behind you
but in no way did it happen the way the rumor mill made it appear.

I am not sure which rumor mill you followed, but nothing I ever read stated that FaceID was a last minute thought. Obviously the technology had to have been in development for years. And there were too many solid rumors pointing to apple trying to embed TouchID under the display and not succeeding. FaceID was never a plan B.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Apple can say whatever they want to say, but one day, all secrets will be eventually revealed, including their so-called “never happen” Touch ID iPhone ex decision. History we read is written by victor. But history itself is written by nature, not any individual, government, business or so. Time will tell.


macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2015
TouchID is dead. Apple is going all in on FaceID
But from the looks of it other manufacturers are building on it, the way its described in the ops video with the sensor built into the OLED display seems like the logical next step. It seems like a technology that Apple is ditching before it had a chance to reach its full potential.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 12, 2016
If Apple brings Touch ID back on the next X, I will sell my current X and buy the new one. I don’t even use the Face ID on mine I don’t like it. I hate how you can’t unlock your phone from the side. Or on the table. If you ask me Face I’d is a downgrade to Touch ID.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Apple can say whatever they want to say, but one day, all secrets will be eventually revealed, including their so-called “never happen” Touch ID iPhone ex decision. History we read is written by victor. But history itself is written by nature, not any individual, government, business or so. Time will tell.
There's a guy in the PowerPC forums here that believes Apple has made PowerPC versions of every OS X update from Snow Leopard up to macOS. Apple secretly hides them in a safe somewhere at Apple HQ.

May want to talk to him. ;)


macrumors 604
Jun 19, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
My ideal iPhone would have:

Raise to wake (to check notifs)

Tap to wake/unlock - just by tapping to wake it reads your FP and unlocks/opens to homescreen. or maybe tap wakes and then you hold for a millisecond to unlock so tap wakes but tap and hold unlocks.
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