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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 6, 2004
I downloaded Tiger 10.4 from a torrent file to share it with a friend, but after the dvd was burned the installer donts seems to work, I restarted the computer as it says on the installation but after the restart the installer dont do anything else. I also tried selecting that dvd as the drive for startup, but happens the same, nothing...

any help about how to do it??


macrumors 68020
Mar 14, 2004
Chicago, IL
You won't get far asking questions about illegal activity here. Someone might help you if you are lucky.

Personaly, I would say don't install it. Legal issues aside, it is beta, therefore buggy and can screw up your system and cause data loss. It should only be installed on a dedicated testing machine that has no important data on it.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
enarbee said:
any help about how to do it??

You haven't read the rules have you? :p


macrumors 68020
Aug 5, 2003
Ohh God, a n00b from the dark side of the force... :eek:

Dude, it's your own risk, I hope you avoid it, Tiger as a toy is pretty dangerous if you have no clue about it.

and pls. don't say: "It's a beta" "I'll pay for it afterwards" "blablabla"

to the corner!

Heart Break Kid

macrumors 6502a
Feb 13, 2003
Please - atleast make teh effort when you lie - tell me your a developer..and Ill give you the benfit of the doubt and pretend your a retarrded one. I cant help you if you out right say you pirated it...even though I did the same ;)

I think its a rule on this forum


macrumors 6502a
Apr 24, 2004
Heart Break Kid said:
Please - atleast make teh effort when you lie - tell me your a developer..and Ill give you the benfit of the doubt and pretend your a retarrded one. I cant help you if you out right say you pirated it...even though I did the same ;)

I think its a rule on this forum

i find that rather funny... the people on this board will castrate you if you pirate or talk about pirating anything.. but they do it themselves just to see how tiger works before it's released... :-/ rather hypocritical if you ask me..


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
Logik said:
i find that rather funny... the people on this board will castrate you if you pirate or talk about pirating anything.. but they do it themselves just to see how tiger works before it's released... :-/ rather hypocritical if you ask me..
It's not the "people" who make the rules though is it? I may well pirate stuff, but the board rules say we don't talk about it here, and that's that.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 24, 2004
edesignuk said:
It's not the "people" who make the rules though is it? I may well pirate stuff, but the board rules say we don't talk about it here, and that's that.

i'm not saying it's a bad rule man. simply stating that maybe they shouldn't be so.... oh .. what's the word i'm looking for.. anal? lol.. let's discuss my personal history in pirating software.. i used to pirate a lot when in high school.. i simply couldn't afford anything because my parents wanted me to study and not work.. i thank them for that.. but i wouldn't know nearly HALF of what i know right now if it wasn't for pirating software. once i got a job i could slowly but surely start to afford software, i haven't stolen anything except for one time use type stuff .. typically for some special project.. if i found myself enjoying the software.. like DVD Studio Pro for example, i am currently saving up hoping to get the next version of the academic production suite for $500.. it's not that i WANT to pirate, it's that i learn by using something, and if i can't use it i can't learn... *shrugs* i think adobe has such a strangle hold on video editing and image editing simply because people stole their software and learned on it... not saying it was right.. but i think there's a lot more than just a bad side to piracy.. i know this was really off topic.. but i wanted to say it. sorry this i was so off topic

Lord Blackadder

macrumors P6
May 7, 2004
Sod off
enarbee said:
I downloaded Tiger 10.4 from a torrent file to share it with a friend, but after the dvd was burned the installer donts seems to work, I restarted the computer as it says on the installation but after the restart the installer dont do anything else. I also tried selecting that dvd as the drive for startup, but happens the same, nothing...

any help about how to do it??

Just a heads-up.

That copy of Tiger that is circulating on the P2Ps was uploaded by a malicious programmer and has been modified to do nasty things with your computer. It might look like it's doing nothing when in reality it is emailing contact information to Apple and a bunch of spam sites. Expect to hear from Steve's legal people soon. :)


EDIT: I think we all know where this thread is case edesignuk's macros aren't a good enough an indicator......All aboard! *chugga* *chugga* *chugga*


macrumors 6502
Feb 24, 2003
Maybe somebody should post an answer to the question... would that get the thread wastelanded??? Let's make it a group project... where you do the work, and I tell you what to do (since that's all I'm good for here, 'cause I've not a clue what the poor fella should do with the Tiger image). So... answer the question, breaking as many macrumors rules as possible (but don't mention my name, 'cause I don't want to get banned).


macrumors regular
Oct 15, 2003
don't use the main installer. i forgot where it's located but dig through the folders and looks for a folder called "Installers" and in it use "Mac OS X.pkg" or something like that.


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2003
Not sure about the exact build you are talking about, but most of the install problems comes from the fact that people don't burn the image inside disk utility. Burn the disk from Disk Utility. Put it in and reboot and hold down c.


macrumors 603
Jul 17, 2004
1. Insert CD into Mac
2. Install
3. Watch data become corrupted by buggy beta
4. Come back and bitch to us here on "Apple's Stupid New Operating System that ****ed Up My System"


macrumors 601
edesignuk said:
It's not the "people" who make the rules though is it? I may well pirate stuff, but the board rules say we don't talk about it here, and that's that.

Yes edesign, we're aware that you pirate stuff, hence the "General Piracy" bookmark folder in your screenshot. :p ;) :D :eek:

Not throwing stones, as I'm not without that sin myself. :eek:

enarbee, try a Google search. At post time, the first link might be useful too you. ;)

I hope I'm not breaking any forum rules by giving this guy advice. :eek: If so, I'd love some mod to smack this post into oblivion. Have a great day all! :cool:


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
To answer the original posters question... if you have to ask, you'll never know. Good night, and thanks for playing. We're nice if you need help, but not that nice.
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