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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 8, 2009
Ok folks this is my problem: I always love Tiger. My first contact with Mac world was through a Tiger hackintosh. When I bought my first Mac Tiger was the system installed on it. But since I bought my second and my third iMac I had to say good bye to Tiger, but I simply cannot forget it. I know that Apple ( and I hate Apple for that!:mad:) does not allow its old and good systems running on its brand new Macs. But suddenly I've started to think "they make Tigers, Leopards, SL and even Lion run on pcs...Why in name of God can't I run Tiger run on my Mac?" I've tried through Parallels, Virtual Box but nothing works. Does anyone knows any trick which could help me to run my Tiger here?...please...:D


macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
Don't install a version of Mac OS X earlier than what came with your Mac
If you install an earlier (previous) version of the Mac OS X than what was included, your computer may exhibit unexpected behavior such as:

The trackpad or mouse may not respond properly
The computer may stop responding
Sleep/wake issues may occur
The display image may appear to "shrink" with black bars around it, may appear tinted, or have other issues
Loss of built-in audio
Loss of Bluetooth or AirPort functionality
May not start up past the Apple logo
I know that Apple ( and I hate Apple for that!:mad:) does not allow its old and good systems running on its brand new Macs.
Why hate Apple for something that is perfectly normal? Older OS versions aren't equipped to run the newer processors and devices. It's foolish to expect they could successfully run devices that weren't yet invented when they were released.
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