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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 23, 2004
This may sound kinda silly... However, I'm a little new to Macs so please bear with me. I currently have the PB listed in my sig... I'm interesting in upgrading to Tiger when it becomes available. So... my question is: Will iLife 05 be bundled with Tiger? If you must purchase both iLife and Tiger, will iLife 04 work on Tiger?

Mr. G4

macrumors 6502
Mar 29, 2002
Rohnert Park, CA
hcuar said:
This may sound kinda silly... However, I'm a little new to Macs so please bear with me. I currently have the PB listed in my sig... I'm interesting in upgrading to Tiger when it becomes available. So... my question is: Will iLife 05 be bundled with Tiger? If you must purchase both iLife and Tiger, will iLife 04 work on Tiger?

I don't think iLife will be bundled with Tiger.
However, when Tiger came out and you buy a new computer from Apple iLife will be bundled with Tiger on the DVD that come with your Computer.

iLife 04 should work without any problem with Tiger.


macrumors member
Apr 1, 2003
Charleston, SC
I'm pretty sure Panther came with all of the iLife suite except for Garageband. Does anyone have reason to think they won't do the same with Tiger? I don't use Garageband much and would hate to pay for iLife if I can get all of the other apps bundled with Tiger when it comes out in six months or so.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
As mentioned above, OS X does not, has not, and will not include the iLife suite (meaning that the OS X install disks that you buy do not contain these apps). Tiger will not ship with iLife '05. However, all new Macs come with the current iLife now, and, so, once Tiger is released, all new Macs will come with Tiger and iLife '05.


macrumors regular
Mar 1, 2004
just a related question:

what are the 6 vouchers (3 iLife + 3 OSX) that came with my iBook for?



Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
jhomayne said:
just a related question:

what are the 6 vouchers (3 iLife + 3 OSX) that came with my iBook for?


Almost always: nothing. You could get 10.1 cheap if you bought 10.0. That's been about it in the recent past!


macrumors newbie
Jun 5, 2004
I don't understand. According to the posts here, Tiger is going to ship with the old versions of iPhoto, iTunes, etc.? I find this hard to believe.


macrumors G4
iLife 05 is separate software from the OS regardless of how integrated it is.

It comes with new Macs as part of a software bundle with World Book etc but if you already own a Mac, then you have to buy each version.

I suspect that Apple will bundle iLife 04 with Tiger (so that it has some of the features that don't ship in Panther currently) but if they include iLife 05 with Tiger - what's the incentive to ship it separately now?


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2003
Long Beach, California
I think they'll keep iLife (except iTunes) out of Tiger all together, and users will have to bring it themselves. However, once Tiger is shipping for a few months, I think they'll come up with a promo that allows you to get iLife with Tiger for free.


macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2003
rendezvouscp said:
I think they'll keep iLife (except iTunes) out of Tiger all together, and users will have to bring it themselves. However, once Tiger is shipping for a few months, I think they'll come up with a promo that allows you to get iLife with Tiger for free.
The latest Tiger seed has iLife '04 apps included, although it was seeded well before iLife '05 was announced. It will be interesting to see what iLife version ships with the Tiger release. Given that it will be several months before Tiger ships (for $129), and a lot of folks won't upgrade immediately, I can see Apple selling iLife '05 separately, but still include it with Tiger; this would be a great incentive to upgrade to Tiger rather than wait. We'll see.


macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2003
rendezvouscp said:
Hm, I guess I should download the latest build right now then. The build I have right now didn't include iLife (but it's a few months old). Thanks for the correction.
Now you have me wondering ... When I did the install for the Tiger seed I used the migration option to copy over my apps, so I could see which ones broke. It didn't occur to me that the iLife apps may have been copied over; I assumed they were installed as part of Tiger. I'll pay better attention when the next seed comes out.


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2002
Champaign, IL
jsw said:
As mentioned above, OS X does not, has not, and will not include the iLife suite (meaning that the OS X install disks that you buy do not contain these apps). Tiger will not ship with iLife '05. However, all new Macs come with the current iLife now, and, so, once Tiger is released, all new Macs will come with Tiger and iLife '05.

Panther DID ship with iLife. I'm looking at the box right now! It lists them on the box and the iLife CD is inside. Tiger will not but Panther did.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
jholzner said:
Panther DID ship with iLife. I'm looking at the box right now! It lists them on the box and the iLife CD is inside. Tiger will not but Panther did.
Mine didn't. Of course, Panther came out before iLife '04. So, as mentioned above, Tiger may eventually ship with it, but not initially.


macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2003
San Francisco, CA
The second poster seemed so confident that it wouldn't be included, which may be true... but just to clarify, has there been an official announcement from Apple either way? I was really close to buying iLife today, but I figured I might as well just wait it out and see whether or not they include it with Tiger. I feel like iLife is a very big part of OS X's identity... for me, it's the consumer apps like iLife that really make Macs shine next windows/linux. So i'm holding out in hopes of a bundle... but there have been no official announcements right?


macrumors G3
Jul 23, 2002
Sol III - Terra
rendezvouscp said:
Hm, since Tiger is being shipped after iLife '05, then I wonder if it'll be included with Tiger. It makes since if Panther did eventually ship with iLife '04.
Panther itself was never remastered to include iLife'04. Since the iLife apps (except for iTunes) cost money, the odds are they won't be shipping Tiger with iLife bundled in. Otherwise, why charge for iLife at all?


macrumors G3
Jul 23, 2002
Sol III - Terra
thequicksilver said:
Tiger will almost certainly include iLife 04. Look at It clearly shows iPhoto 4, not 5.
That just shows what is on the system they did the screenshots with. iLife costs money now therefore Tiger will not ship with the iLife applications (except for iTunes since that is free.)

If you want iLife'05, you may as well pay for it now and be able to use it, instead of waiting to pay for it when Tiger comes out.


macrumors G3
Jul 23, 2002
Sol III - Terra
spaceballl said:
The second poster seemed so confident that it wouldn't be included, which may be true... but just to clarify, has there been an official announcement from Apple either way? I was really close to buying iLife today, but I figured I might as well just wait it out and see whether or not they include it with Tiger. I feel like iLife is a very big part of OS X's identity... for me, it's the consumer apps like iLife that really make Macs shine next windows/linux. So i'm holding out in hopes of a bundle... but there have been no official announcements right?
iLife is a big part of the Macs identity these days...not specifically Mac OS X. You buy a Mac, you get the current version of iLife and Mac OS. You want new versions of either when the come out, you need to pay for them.

The question also becomes: Do you want the new iLife features now or however many months from now when Tiger finally ships? And you'll still have to pay for iLife'05.


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
I'm assuming they'll have a bundle deal if you buy both like they did with 10.3 and iLife '04. It was a small discount, but only a little more expensive than just buying 10.3. 10.3 did come with the previous, free version of iLife. '04 was a paid version, and not included. The latest version of iTunes will be included with Tiger of course, and I'm assuming a version of iPhoto. Maybe '04, but it could be the previous version. iDVD and GarageBand, probably not. But considering Tiger isn't out yet, we don't know. Even if the Dev release does, that doesn't mean anything.

Like I said, they'll probably have a bundled price if you buy both, but '05 will not be included.
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