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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 13, 2011
Do you have this? I'm assuming no.

Um, no I don't! God it looks like times have moved on. But you say not having them is a plus in my instance?

Since plugins (Quicktime, Adobe Reader, Flash etc) are not getting updated and exploits may show itself, it would be wise to disable them.

Ah, thank you for that; I'm not really up on plug-ins! In fact, I was watching a YouTube vid as I was following your suggestion, and was surprised to see it suddenly go dead! I've just done a quick bit of Googling and I gather plug-ins enable one to receive visual/audio information - like videos, PDFs, etc. Which has got me thinking: sometimes I've found Safari crashes at the end of a YouTube vid - do you think that's plug-in related?

Just the fact thats it's barely using anything. I mainly use Virus Barrier X for it's Firewall settings.

Ah, right; evidence that it's very easy on the CPU usage. That's great to know you use Intego. I'm currently looking at getting VirusBarrier X5 (because 6 won't run on Tiger...same old, same old), in the hope it will provide me with some security since Apple seems to have left Tiger people for dead now.

Thanks very much for the information! :)


macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2006
Far away from Earth.
Having them is a major plus. Adds that extra safer way of web browsing. Like google searching/images. I use the WOT extension to highlight unsafe pages therefor no accidentally clicking them. Not that I've ever had problems in the past but it's handy to have and flag up anything potential. Better to have a warning than none at all.

All these years using extensions I couldn't live without them. Especially for Youtube since I've ditched Flash. Nearly viewing everything in HTML5 with no performance problems.

What is the latest version of Safari for 10.4.11? did it end at 4.0.3? no hidden extension part under Safari Preferences>Advanced>show developer menu, extensions hidden away in there at all?

I wont go into detail about the extensions if you don't have the option to use them.
But look at the options if you could use them and what they do.

Ah, thank you for that; I'm not really up on plug-ins! In fact, I was watching a YouTube vid as I was following your suggestion, and was surprised to see it suddenly go dead! I've just done a quick bit of Googling and I gather plug-ins enable one to receive visual/audio information - like videos, PDFs, etc.

Yes, everything thats plugin related can take out Safari if a problem occurs. You can see which is installed under the help menu with plugins enabled. You can't view them when plugins are disabled.
Since I've disabled plugins sometime ago and got rid of Flash, Safari has been a much smoother and stable experience. It's rare for it to crash unless it's a load of animated gifs, that still seems to be plagued on Lion.

According to Youtube, if you're registered... it says you can get html5. "Apple Safari (h.264, version 4+)"
If you are registered and can get it and have Perian installed, I'd recommend disabling Perian for a better Youtube experience. Or it will make playback choppy as it's loading.

Which has got me thinking: sometimes I've found Safari crashes at the end of a YouTube vid - do you think that's plug-in related?

Most likely because as I said since plugins with the supplied applications no longer get updated, there will still be buggy code. was terrible for beachballing crashing Safari.

Your issue with Youtube would have been with the Flash plugin. It's a write off since the beginning. PDF's you can manually download anyway. Copy link and paste in the downloads window, then manually, scan/view whatever you intend to do with it.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 13, 2011
What is the latest version of Safari for 10.4.11? did it end at 4.0.3? no hidden extension part under Safari Preferences>Advanced>show developer menu, extensions hidden away in there at all?

I've got 4.1.3; I believe that's the end of the road for Tiger. Asked it to reveal the develop menu as you suggested, but basically all that drops down is a list of 'show' 'start' and 'disable' options, e.g. disable site-specific hacks. So I guess there aren't any? (But thanks for the cool link! :))

Having them is a major plus.

Oh, right! Misread "Does Safari support extensions on Tiger? if so someone hasn't been taking advantage of them." Is there any way I can prevent people taking advantage of these extensions that don't appear to be supported?

You can see which is installed under the help menu with plugins enabled.

I checked it out: Adobe Acrobat and Reader Plug-in, iPhotoPhotocast, Java Plug-in for Cocoa, Quartz Composer Plug-In, QuickTime Plug-In 7.6.4, QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.4, Shockwave Flash, Silverlight Plug-In & Verified Download Plugin (though the last one didn't have anything listed)... The things I never knew!

Since I've disabled plugins sometime ago and got rid of Flash, Safari has been a much smoother and stable experience... According to Youtube, if you're registered... it says you can get html5.

I would happily ditch Flash and am eager to do as your doing. I do have a YouTube account, and interestingly, when I clicked your link, I saw a page telling me:

You are in a trial for HTML5 video on YouTube. Some users of supported browsers are automatically entered in to the trial.

So it looks like I'm already getting by without Flash. (Well, some things play, some things won't play, with plug-ins disabled... I guess I'll notify the YouTube team about this, now I realise I'm in a trial...)

If you are registered and can get it and have Perian installed, I'd recommend disabling Perian for a better Youtube experience. Or it will make playback choppy as it's loading.

Is Perian another plug-in? Surely that will be disabled with the rest of them, right? Though a search didn't pick it up anywhere in the 'installed plug-in' list.

Thanks a lot for the crashing explanation, that makes a lot of sense. And for the further advice. You've been seriously informative and helpful :)


macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2006
Far away from Earth.
Is Perian another plug-in? Surely that will be disabled with the rest of them, right? Though a search didn't pick it up anywhere in the 'installed plug-in' list.

In a way yes, Perian is another plugin/codec but works with Quicktime. Unless you want to use DivX AVI's, XviD, FLV and MKV you wont really need it. There's always VLC player and 2.0 works on PPC. Flip4Mac for WMV/WMA Windows Media Player movies.

For some unknown reason Perian seems to play havoc with HTML5. Most likely just a compatibility issue with video in the browser. When Perian is enabled in it's own control panel while the clip is initially downloading, the playback becomes very choppy and the controls in the player become non-responsive until it's downloaded. Once it's disabled it's fluid even while it's still downloading and can activate the controls.
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