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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 17, 2004

I have 10.4 on both CD and DVD. My problem is with both so I know the disks are fine.

I also have X.3 already installed on two hard drives from the same CDs.

1. upgraded from X.2.8 to X.3 on 30 GB
2. clean install of X.3 on 6 GB

When I select the 6 GB hard drive for upgrade to X.4, I can de-select all the "Additional Languages" saving me an hour and nearly a Gig of space.

HOWEVER, when I select the 30 GB hard drive for upgrade to X.4, I can't de-select the "Additional Languages". Check box is checked and when I expand the item, all languages are greyed out and checked "on". If I choose any other destination drive, I can then again turn off the "Additional Languages".

I repaired disk permissions and Disk Utility also said this disk was OK.

I do NOT want to do a clean install on this disk. Already have a clean install on my 6GB. This one must be upgraded.

What file is preventing me from de-selecting the "Additional Languages"? It must "think" I already installed them previously, but I did not.

I suppose I could just install and then use Monolingual to remove them but I'd really like to know what's causing this problem in the first place.


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