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macrumors 65816
Dec 9, 2005
TikTok just needs to stall and drag this out for another 1.5 months.

Shouldn't be too difficult to stay under the radar. Trump hardly shows up to work anymore.

WASHINGTON — Over the past week, President Trump posted or reposted about 145 messages on Twitter lashing out at the results of an election he lost. He mentioned the coronavirus pandemic now reaching its darkest hours four times — and even then just to assert that he was right about the outbreak and the experts were wrong.

Moody and by accounts of his advisers sometimes depressed, the president barely shows up to work, ignoring the health and economic crises afflicting the nation and largely clearing his public schedule of meetings unrelated to his desperate bid to rewrite the election results. He has fixated on rewarding friends, purging the disloyal and punishing a growing list of perceived enemies that now includes Republican governors, his own attorney general and even Fox News.
Keep in mind, that is far left news -

I wouldn't trust any news nowadays. They've already damaged their credibilities.
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macrumors 68000
Oct 19, 2003
that town east of ann arbor
Always remember, ...A "Con-Man" Needs a "Mark". ...without the "Mark", the "Con-Man" cannot exist. ...Every single person, that is fooled into supporting this "Con-Man", is a "Mark", without exception.
Its an obvious grift too. The $200m raised for his legal defense fund while he plays golf and tweets. Folks who are still indulging in a lost campaign are better off putting that cash into Bitcoin.


macrumors G5
Mar 2, 2012
Westchester, NY
Liberals are going to lose there minds come 12:00pm on January 20th, 2021.
On Topic: At a bare minimum TikTok will divest and Walmart gives me yet another reason not to shop there.
I mean who wouldn't lose their mind over an attack on our democracy and an attempted coup? Now I'm not losing my mind because those attempts are utterly failing, but it's frightening that he's trying nonetheless


Feb 5, 2007
TikTok just needs to stall and drag this out for another 1.5 months.

Shouldn't be too difficult to stay under the radar. Trump hardly shows up to work anymore.

WASHINGTON — Over the past week, President Trump posted or reposted about 145 messages on Twitter lashing out at the results of an election he lost. He mentioned the coronavirus pandemic now reaching its darkest hours four times — and even then just to assert that he was right about the outbreak and the experts were wrong.

Moody and by accounts of his advisers sometimes depressed, the president barely shows up to work, ignoring the health and economic crises afflicting the nation and largely clearing his public schedule of meetings unrelated to his desperate bid to rewrite the election results. He has fixated on rewarding friends, purging the disloyal and punishing a growing list of perceived enemies that now includes Republican governors, his own attorney general and even Fox News.

LOL. Don’t count out the POTUS just yet.
You may be in for a shocker. ?


Feb 5, 2007
Gee, I'm surprised Donnie and Rudy et al haven't pursued the conspiracy theory that it was TikTok behind the election results. As it is, Donnie-dear is still chasing for leprechauns and unicorns and shiny monoliths -- they'll lead him to those Lost Votes!

Meanwhile, the death toll from COVID-19 gets higher and higher with each passing day. And Donnie will do anything to divert the public's attention from that. And on January 21, 2021, Donnie and friends and Faux News will all start blaming the rising death toll on President Biden. "It's his fault!"
If you’re going to blame all the Covid deaths on Donald Trump then you have to also thank him for making 4.9 million recoveries.


Feb 5, 2007
Maybe we should do the other and Google the losers achievements versus his claims (lies). Should we start with his failure to ban TikTok or his failure to make Covid magically disappear? 280,000 deaths. Wow, TikTok is so terrible...
If you blame him for 280,000 deaths (a highly inflated number BTW) you also have to blame him for 4.9 million recoveries.

You’re welcome.


macrumors 68000
Dec 22, 2008
Actually, I too can google information to make me all the wiser on any given topic. Let’s agree to disagree Mr. Google.
All you did was repeat what your cult leader has been spreading. @BuffaloTF laid out the facts of what Biden has actually accomplished and your only response is that it came from google? Spoken like a true cult follower. Whats next, the earth is actually flat because Trump said so! SAD!
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macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
Ok... so you're clearly Anti-All of these things then, a great place to be.

As Veep:
-2009 -- he was in charge of implementing American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009, which was the biggest economic recovery in our history.
-2011 -- Lead negotiator to pass the Budget Control Act of 2011
-2014 -- Re-tooled 1.5 billion dollars in grants to align with job-driven trainings
-He was instrumental in the Affordable Care Act, which of course continues to rise in popularity now that people know what it actually does
-Launched the Cancer Moonshot to accelerate cancer research and treatments

As Senator:
-Sponsored the Violence Against Women Act of 1994. This has led to a massive decline in intimate partner violence.
-Confirmed Ruth Bader Ginsburg as head of the judiciary committee.
-Broke the gender barrier on said Judiciary Committee.
-Cosponsored the legislation to curb greenhouse gases in 2007
-Introduced the Senate's first climate change bills in 1986
-Subsequently whipped votes for the Clean Air Act of 1990 (which kinda stopped the acid rain problem)
-Secured the passage of SALT II
-Pushed for sanctions against Apartheid South Africa
-Supported military involvement in Yugoslavia in the 90s when there was literal ethnic cleansing taking place
-Expanded NATO to allow Warsaw Pact countries to join
-Primary sponsor of the PROTECT Our Children Act of 2008
-Sponsored the Criminal History Background Checks Pilot Extension Act in 2008 -- this allowed for volunteer youth sports and group organizations to obtain state and federal background checks on their volunteers

And yes, co-authored the 1994 crime bill (which passed 95-4, by the way, and not a single black member of either chamber voted against it), which has been a resounding success outside of the Truth-In-Sentencing piece... but only 1 candidate this cycle has made it a point that they will address that and implement corrections. Do you want to wager a guess on which candidate that was?

This is just a small list, of course. But I'm sure you already knew that, since you are so wise.
Sorry, I heard from a reputable source that he's done SFA for 47 years.



macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
Sorry, I heard from a reputable source that he's done SFA for 47 years.

Oh mannnn... Good point. Some straight C students I knew back in high school said on Facebook that he never did anything. I’m going to have to spend some serious time cross-referencing now. And Google is crossed off the list. On to only trustworthy entertainment news sites like Newsmax I guess.



macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
If you blame him for 280,000 deaths (a highly inflated number BTW) you also have to blame him for 4.9 million recoveries.

You’re welcome.
A 1/4 of the worlds cases are in the US. You can make up whatever numbers make you feel good, but Trumps failure to lead and make good decisions that affect the actual lives of americans, is disgusting, but he's playing golf now so all good. TikTok, the wall, "not getting involved with foreign matters" & Covid-19 are all part of his legacy of failing the US.


macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
If you blame him for 280,000 deaths (a highly inflated number BTW) you also have to blame him for 4.9 million recoveries.

You’re welcome.

A highly under-counted number, I think you meant. Since it only counts deaths in hospitals.

And yes, I blame him for 4.9 million recoveries too. A number that is also inflated by his total lack of ANY action on the matter. It didn't even have to be meaningful action. ANY response at all would have lowered both.


macrumors 6502
Oct 11, 2018
In today's world, your data is shared around the world! It's fool to think your data is private!


macrumors 6502
Nov 17, 2012
I'm not American, so I have no interest in getting involved in the Democrats versus Republicans debate that so many here have got into, and for people to derail this thread is actually going away from the main issues.

But simply talking about TikTok, this is the biggest and most important social media platform since Facebook. It is used in multiple democratic countries around the world including USA-friendly nations the UK, in Europe and worldwide. The merit of the service is that it democratises immediate short form media publishing to anyone with an internet connection that other platforms like Instagram have been unable to do, in some ways its a medium that has gained almost as much relevance approaching that of TV broadcasting. For US citizens to be deprived of this service is an attack on the democracy that its citizens have.

Of course there is the issue of security, TikTok's connection to the Chinese government and whether it has access to the company's data on users of the app including US citizens. The reality is that the Chinese government likely already does have all that info so a sale would only stop future access and TikTok's data on users is no worst than what Facebook has collected and it has openly reported that it shares with US government for multiple individual requests, although there is no definite answer if that cooperation is broader.

This weekend's news in the UK is that the Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated major companies in the UK with over 100 members in an attempt to lead them. So concerns about foreign interference are not baseless, but having the limited information (at this moment in time) harvested from TikTok members is not as valuable.
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macrumors 603
Nov 30, 2004
Toronto, ON
Liberals are going to lose there minds come 12:00pm on January 20th, 2021.

How did that work out for ya buddy?

On topic, TikTok appears to have successfully waited out Trump’s temper tantrum. President Biden has no time to continue Donald’s spat with a kid’s dance app.


macrumors 65816
May 31, 2020
How did that work out for ya buddy?
View attachment 1716376

On topic, TikTok appears to have successfully waited out Trump’s temper tantrum. President Biden has no time to continue Donald’s spat with a kid’s dance app.

But...Q sAId PaTrIoTIC MiLitaRY wERE gOiNg to iMpoSE marTIaL LaW tOdAy anD mAKe TrUMp PreSiDEnt ForEver
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Oct 15, 2017
How did that work out for ya buddy?
View attachment 1716376

On topic, TikTok appears to have successfully waited out Trump’s temper tantrum. President Biden has no time to continue Donald’s spat with a kid’s dance app.
Baideng has all the time in the world waiting out the pandemic in his White house basement… he will probably continue the relentless attacks on everything China, because there isn't anything else he can do.
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