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macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
Goodness me.

You would have to be in fantasy land to think that Apple/Cook don't know exactly what is going on in China. Cook was asked about it during a congressional hearing last year.

Not the first time Apple have been implicated in the use of forced labour either.

Cook/Apple have no moral high ground to be pointing the finger. They need to get their own house in order.

They are spot on in regards to Facebook and it doesn’t need another attack from armed dimwits on the capitol or elsewhere to prove it. You’re actively trying to derail from the topic which is Facebook.

Apple is as far in China as any other US company and their customers know it. America doesn’t care, hasn’t cared as a whole for the last two decades but again not the topic. Topic is the crap that FB losses just by themselves.

I’m assuming you wrote all this off topic trolling on a non apple device entirely made in the US and have no other China made goods in your daily use either, right.


Mar 18, 2016
United Kingdom
They are spot on in regards to Facebook and it doesn’t need another attack from armed dimwits on the capitol or elsewhere to prove it. You’re actively trying to derail from the topic which is Facebook.

Apple is as far in China as any other US company and their customers know it. America doesn’t care, hasn’t cared as a whole for the last two decades but again not the topic. Topic is the crap that FB losses just by themselves.

I’m assuming you wrote all this off topic trolling on a non apple device entirely made in the US and have no other China made goods in your daily use either, right.

They might be but it is classic 'whataboutism'. Zuckerberg engages in the same.

No I wrote the post on a Mac, it isn't my job to clean up Apples supply chain that's Tim Cooks job, why doesn't he get on with it instead of droning on about Facebook.

Facebook needs regulation, as does Apple. That is for the regulators to handle, nobody cares about Cook or Zuckerbergs opinion they aren't impartial whatsoever.

Your standards are inconsistent, you think Facebook should be held to account at every turn but anybody mentions Apples grubby business practices they are 'derailing the conversation' or it's 'off topic trolling' and you want to talk about echo chambers?!
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it

Your standards are inconsistent, you think Facebook should be held to account at every turn but anybody mentions Apples grubby business practices they are 'derailing the conversation' or it's 'off topic trolling' and you want to talk about echo chambers?!
Let's debate. What are Facebooks' grubby business practices that need regulation? Apples? Betcha Apple has far less grubby business practices and it's all opinion based as to whether or not any of them would need actual laws in place to modify those practices.


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
They might be but it is classic 'whataboutism'. Zuckerberg engages in the same.

No I wrote the post on a Mac, it isn't my job to clean up Apples supply chain that's Tim Cooks job, why doesn't he get on with it instead of droning on about Facebook.

Facebook needs regulation, as does Apple. That is for the regulators to handle, nobody cares about Cook or Zuckerbergs opinion they aren't impartial whatsoever.

Your standards are inconsistent, you think Facebook should be held to account at every turn but anybody mentions Apples grubby business practices they are 'derailing the conversation' or it's 'off topic trolling' and you want to talk about echo chambers?!

I hear you but drifting to another topic is also prime whataboutism at its finest.

This discussion is about what’s brewing between Apple and Facebook and of course in the course of this topic the statements from the ceo folks are interesting.


Mar 18, 2016
United Kingdom
I hear you but drifting to another topic is also prime whataboutism at its finest.

This discussion is about what’s brewing between Apple and Facebook and of course in the course of this topic the statements from the ceo folks are interesting.

Yeah so on that subject.

Apples restrictive app store policies actually encourage non privacy oriented business models like Facebook.


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
Because 'ad supported' apps don't have to give up a large cut of their business to Apple.

I'm not talking specifically about Facebook.

Subscription based apps don’t have to either - like Netflix shows. If you run your store outside of the App Store ecosystem you can easily provide an ad free subscription or paid service without paying apple.

Amazon’s Kindle Store is an example.

And I have seen even more ad supported apps on Android- and they’re not necessarily into the privacy game.
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Mar 18, 2016
United Kingdom
Subscription based apps don’t have to either - like Netflix shows. If you run your store outside of the App Store ecosystem you can easily provide an ad free subscription or paid service without paying apple.

And I have seen even more ad supported apps on Android- and they’re not necessarily into the privacy game.

Which is fine if you are Netflix and everybody knows who you are and how to sign up but if you don't have their profile Apples App Store rules forbid devs from directing users to their site to sign up. They aren't even allowed to mention it.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Which is fine if you are Netflix and everybody knows who you are and how to sign up but if you don't have their profile Apples App Store rules forbid devs from directing users to their site to sign up. They aren't even allowed to mention it.
What's the issue, do you think most users are ignorant and can't find a website of the developer that is listed on the app store pages. Stop blaming Apple's policies that have been around for years on as the basis of what you perceive as the ills in the tech industry.

Facebook would do what it does, no matter what the app store policies are.
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Mar 18, 2016
United Kingdom
What's the issue, do you think most users are ignorant and can't find a website of the developer that is listed on the app store pages. Stop blaming Apple's policies that have been around for years on your gripes with the tech industry.

Facebook would do what it does, no matter what the app policies are.

Why would they have any reason too? The dev is not allowed to mention anything that isn't paid for via IAP. Apple prohibits any mention of competing payment methods to promote its IAP extortion racket

Apple they don't like the competition you see. :)


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Why would they have any reason too? The dev is not allowed to mention anything that isn't paid for via IAP. Apple prohibits any mention of competing payment methods to promote its IAP extortion racket

Apple they don't like the competition you see. :)
Somehow, this hasn't been an issue, except as a talking point on a MR news thread. And it's been like this for years with only the devs complaining they can't make a buck off of Apple's back. So this is most likely a red-herring discussion.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
No but you dismissing it as a nothing issue is the real red herring here.
In the end it may not be anything is the point. The dev is in no way obligated to see on the app store and that may figure into the final determination.
1. a dev can sell their app on android
2. a dev an create a web app, free from every Apple restriction


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
Which is fine if you are Netflix and everybody knows who you are and how to sign up but if you don't have their profile Apples App Store rules forbid devs from directing users to their site to sign up. They aren't even allowed to mention it.

So we agree it works.

Now back to Tim saying FB has a tendency to lead to polarization and violence, he is spot on. It is a like-fest for the low brained and a data mining tool par excellence for those who operate it.

It is the anti pool to the information age where the intellectual Neandertalers can gather to simmer in their collective stupidity. And some make a good buck from those.


Mar 18, 2016
United Kingdom
So we agree it works.

Now back to Tim saying FB has a tendency to lead to polarization and violence, he is spot on. It is a like-fest for the low brained and a data mining tool par excellence for those who operate it.

It is the anti pool to the information age where the intellectual Neandertalers can gather to simmer in their collective stupidity. And some make a good buck from those.

He is spot on Facebook are heading for regulation with the rest Google, Amazon, Apple.
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