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Mr. Speedlight

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 16, 2021
Time Machine Drive Icon is Yellow but should be Green…

There is a similar thread running but the proper or best information is not found there and it’s two pages long. A lot of reading for less than definitive information. I started this one to get the information where more people can find it. I’m not a MAC genius. I found this information three times by being stubborn.

This information is tested with High Sierra 10.13.6 and El Capitan 10.11.6

The Mac OS default Time Machine Icon has a name: GenericTimeMachineDiskIcon.icns

Note the file type is: icns

Mac OS default system icons have a default location:


1) Use the Finder menu Go, Go to Folder… to open the above Resources folder.
2) Switch to ICON view to easily locate the icon you are looking for.
3) Locate the Time Machine Icon. Copy DO NOT MOVE the icon to your desktop.
4) Right click the Time Machine Drive and select Get Info.
5) Drag the copy of GenericTimeMachineDiskIcon.icns from your desktop and drop it on the smaller Icon in the upper, middle of the Get Info panel.

I hope this works for you. It worked for me with High Sierra 10.13.6 and El Capitan 10.11.6. It should be a permanent solution.

Here is an article showing how to find Mac OS default system icons including the Time Machine icon…

A cut and paste from the above article…

How to Locate & Access All Mac OS X System Icons
1. Open a new Finder window from the Mac OS X Desktop and hit Command+Shift+G (or go to the “Go” menu and choose “Go To Folder”
2. Paste in the following complete file system path in Go To Folder:
3. /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/
4. Choose “Go” and you’ll instantly be brought to the appropriate resources folder containing all system icons for Mac OS X that are found throughout the Mac
The folder is best viewed in “icon” view with a reasonably visible icon size, which perhaps isn’t too surprising considering this the system icon folder.

I hope this solves your problem with your Time Machine Icon and is useful for similar situations.
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