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macrumors 603
Original poster
Apr 29, 2005
San Francisco
How do you organize all of your Mac stuff? Do you have a room with all the hardware in it? Or is your attic just full of dusty Macs?

And how much Mac stuff do the big time collectors have? And what is your prized piece of your collection?

I'll start. I have a Macintosh LC. Done.


macrumors 6502
Apr 21, 2005
GimmeSlack12 said:
How do you organize all of your Mac stuff? Do you have a room with all the hardware in it? Or is your attic just full of dusty Macs?

And how much Mac stuff do the big time collectors have? And what is your prized piece of your collection?

I'll start. I have a Macintosh LC. Done.

I have too many Mac collectibles to list, and don't have a site for them, but I will say this, there are plenty of Prototypes, Lisa's, 128ks, Apple IIIs, Apple II's, ANS, Etc... Way to much to list, I mainly buy and sell them so its more like a warhorse of Mac stuff collecting dust :eek: But organization, or lack thereof has been how I ran it since I started with Macs in 1995 :p :rolleyes:


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
my collecting is in stacks whearever i have room... in the hallway, under my bed, you name it!... Running out of room, but hope to build shelves in the basement to store some of the excess stuff( the stuff that is basically worthless)

Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Dec 12, 2002
On a wall in the basement.

In my basement, I have a built-in cabinet along one wall. The shelf on top is the collection site for the Macs themselves (with a few scattered around the house as Internet terminals, and a couple on the basement desk to play with at any given time.) Two of the cabinets are dedicated to holding all the paraphenalia, such as disks, external drives, cards, keyboards, mice, etc.

My .Mac site has pictures of the collection from a couple years ago (the notebooks alone have more than doubled in number.) I just recently took more pictures, I'll put them up on my new iWeb-based site tomorrow.

As for the 'prized piece'? Either the Backlit Portable (which was functional until a couple months ago. I think the battery finally gave up,) or the Duo 2300c with all original packaging, whose battery ALSO gave up the ghost a little while ago. I also have a Newton 120, but it died too recently. (One day it wouldn't power up, no matter what I tried. It was working fine the day before.)

I think I'll be offering up my 'dead' computers, plus the duplicates in the Marketplace soon. (3 truly dead ones, 6 or 7 more that are really bad in one way or another, plus a few duplicates.) The dead ones will go for just the cost of shipping (or best offer, if more than one person wants it,) the 'bad' ones for $5-$10 plus shipping, and the duplicates, who knows...


macrumors 6502a
Jun 2, 2003
ehurtley said:
My.Mac site has pictures of the collection from a couple years ago (the notebooks alone have more than doubled in number.) I just recently took more pictures, I'll put them up on my new iWeb-based site tomorrow.

Great laptop storage!!

Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Dec 12, 2002
mkjj said:
Great laptop storage!!


So to whet your appetite, here's a pic of SOME of the laptops all presented, plus a pic of the three 'firsts'....

First picture: Top row: Portable (backlit,) 5300ce
Center row: 140, 520c, 5300c, MacBook Pro
Bottom row: 100, Duo 230, Duo 2300c, G4

Second Picture: Portable (backlit, first 68k-based portable Mac,) 5300ce (first PowerPC-based portable Mac,) MacBook Pro (first Intel-based portable Mac.)

edit: Here we go... Just updated the iWeb site.


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
ehurtley said:

So to whet your appetite, here's a pic of SOME of the laptops all presented, plus a pic of the three 'firsts'....

First picture: Top row: Portable (backlit,) 5300ce
Center row: 140, 520c, 5300c, MacBook Pro
Bottom row: 100, Duo 230, Duo 2300c, G4

Second Picture: Portable (backlit, first 68k-based portable Mac,) 5300ce (first PowerPC-based portable Mac,) MacBook Pro (first Intel-based portable Mac.)

edit: Here we go... Just updated the iWeb site.

iweb link doesn't work.... nice collection of apple stuff :) the latop rack is nice:D


macrumors 6502a
Jun 2, 2003
iWeb link

I have an iWeb page also that no one but me can access, me thinks iWeb and Dotmac still a bit buggy!

Great collection by the way!! Need a serious charging regime to keep all those ticking over!

I have a strange cover for my PB1400 which is wood! will dig it out and post pic

Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Dec 12, 2002
macEfan said:
iweb link doesn't work.... nice collection of apple stuff :) the latop rack is nice:D

Bah. It appears that iWeb all of a sudden won't upload! It gets about 95% done (half an hour. I've got lots of pictures; and even though I'm only trying to upload ONE NEW PAGE, it insists on reuploading the whole site,) then complains of a problem with an image. It's one of the built-in template background images! How the f--- do I fix that!?

Stupid frickin' iWeb. (I posted that it would be there as I hit 'Publish', then walked away from that computer for a few hours. I've now tried re-uploading 5 times, even after tweaking the pages in iWeb, it stops somewhere different each time.)

edit: finally uploaded correctly.


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
ehurtley said:
Bah. It appears that iWeb all of a sudden won't upload! It gets about 95% done (half an hour. I've got lots of pictures; and even though I'm only trying to upload ONE NEW PAGE, it insists on reuploading the whole site,) then complains of a problem with an image. It's one of the built-in template background images! How the f--- do I fix that!?

Stupid frickin' iWeb. (I posted that it would be there as I hit 'Publish', then walked away from that computer for a few hours. I've now tried re-uploading 5 times, even after tweaking the pages in iWeb, it stops somewhere different each time.)

edit: finally uploaded correctly.
looks good! BTW does putting your macs by the window make them start to yellow?


macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2005
Collecting mint condition Apples is hard

I've finally got a mint Lisa, Macintosh and Nextcube (The precursor to OSX macs) So these are in a special room with no windows. (I'm terrified my factory new old macs will someday turn yellow like all the rest!)

Unfortunately, I consider my 20th Aniversary to be a junk mac so it's in storage with all the rest of my mistakes!

To be collectible, and I know there is alot of debate over the 20th aniversary, a mac has to be rare and groundbreaking.

The 20th was a symbol of what had gone wrong with Apple. All the worst parts of the fruit - a rotten core.


Maxwell Smart

macrumors 6502a
Jan 29, 2006
how much did you spend on your mint lisa/nextcube/macintosh? Did you get a chance to play with them? Got any pics?


macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2005
Maxwell Smart said:
how much did you spend on your mint lisa/nextcube/macintosh? Did you get a chance to play with them? Got any pics?

To get one mint Lisa (working with an original 10MB HD) , I spent nearly 3K. This one has no flaws of any kind.

The Macintosh I stumbled across by accident. I spent $50 on it. When I took it out of the box, I was stunned. I was looking a new-old mac.

The Cube was listed on eBay as mint for $150. Amazingly for eBay, it arrived as described!

I have played with all of them. Working-mint is important for display models!

I'll have to get some pics up soon!



macrumors 68000
Nov 24, 2002
My collection still stands at this:

G5 PowerMac 1.6Ghz
G3 PowerMac 400Mhz (overclocked)
G3 PowerMac 266Mhz Beige model

17" PowerBook
Titanium PowerBook
12" PowerBook
PowerBook G3 “Pismo”
PowerBook G3 “Kanga”
PowerBook 2400c
PowerBook 5300cs
PowerBook Duo 280c
PowerBook 540c
PowerBook 190c
PowerBook 150
PowerBook 100 screen not working :(

iBook G3 800Mhz
iBook G3 500Mhz
iBook Blueberry
iBook Tangerine

Original Newton Messagepad
Messagepad 130
Messagepad 2100

G4 XServe 1Ghz

20th Anniversary Macintosh
Macintosh Classic II
Performa 5270 (rescued from ditch)

Outbound Notebook 2000

I've essentially stopped actively collecting since I have all the models I want, and I need to think into the future when I return to the US. I cannot take most of my machines with me, unfortunately.

I wanted a Cube, but gave up looking.
I passed on a working LISA 2/10 for $900.
Still have my TAM, and am determined to take it back to the States with me.
I rescued a Performa 5270 from a ditch and use it at home ;)

Maxwell Smart

macrumors 6502a
Jan 29, 2006
You have an outbound notebook 2000? the portable 3rd party 'mac' that came before the mac portable? sweet! Does it work? can you take pics?


macrumors 601
Nov 16, 2004
chatin said:
The 20th was a symbol of what had gone wrong with Apple. All the worst parts of the fruit - a rotten core.

How did you come to that conclusion? What does bad management of a company have to do with the outstanding and unique design of this machine?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 2, 2003
blakespot said:
Not sure if I'm a big-time collector or not. I've owned many, but most have left my hands.

My list of machines ever owned.

A QTVR of my computer room - a year old, a little has changed (swapped out my SGI O2 for an Apple Lisa 2/10).

Think Blake wins hands down, I'd give my right arm for a space like this. Sadly in the UK cellars/basements are extremely rare, in fact my house is not that big!
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