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macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2005
smart thought

It'd be cool to have a subnotebook that incorporates an 8GB flash drive for the operating system and applications, and one of these drives for /Users.

More and more we have the situation that we have a lot of small files that we need quick access to, and a bunch of large media files that we infrequently need slow access to. And a spinning hard drive will either be too slow and use some power, or fast and use a lot of power. Might as well use things that use way less power, and get the speed where we need it.

yeah mate, i agree, i do not need a hd that can access files at 400mbps when my music is a mere at most 1.440 kbps and movies only 5x that. when i do files creation etc, nice to have the option for speed, but that is what external raid and firewire 800 are for.

and it has been long since i have said anything here... cheers


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2005
here we go...

I have a 80GB ipod that I had my collection of 6000+ songs (apple default AAC) but have been thinking about ripping using the highest bitrate on to an external HD. Is WAV the best to use when ripping CDs?

you might as well just rip to lossless which is the same quality at slightly smaller size. mathmatics aside, if you are just worried at the fact that your cd is being re-encoded, you might try for aiff or wav, no problems. but if you have an ipod, why not try out alac? also, if you are very very sure you can hear the difference, you really need to have a trained ear and something far better than just earbuds to hear what makes the diff.

it is best to do some tests for yourself... blind tests... rip a selection of a very few songs that you know well in alac, mp3 and aac at various bitrates, pop onto the ipod and shuffle them or have a friend hold the ipod and not tell you what bitrate is playing (name the songs something like mp3 128, aac 156vbs or something) then when you have listened to a good portion of the song 30 sec or so and have something meaningful to say about the quality, say it or write it down, then look at the ipod or have your mate tell you what it really was.

whenever i do it with friends it is down to luck with half of the songs of only two encodings being done correctly 5 times for and five times against. you really have to know what to listen for... and you had better have good earphones and dock/amp to justify that much hd thrashing on your ipod, not to mention the lonely feeling of 'only' carrying 7 days of music instead of 60! cheers


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
Put these babies in the rumoured 12" ultra-thin notebooks, and we might have a winner. :)
That's what I was thinking, but they're probably too slow and as said, wear out faster. :( Would be nice though.

maybe it's time for Apple to boost the internal memory on the iPod (the one that gives you 8 minutes or so of skip protection)?
It's actually like 20min (around 32MB) and I've heard they actually will or did up it to 64MB. Not sure though. More than enough for the space and the cost, but yeah, would help video if it was higher. Might raise the price of the "true" video one though.

Archos 504 has 160gb. :eek:
Please tell me your kidding. I'd rather have a Zune! :eek: I like my 4GB nano just fine though, but then I also liked my shuffle (minus the lack of screen) and my mini (minus the lack of color and short battery life on the gen 1).

And, yeah, pagansoul... why not just go Apple Lossless? Or high end AAC? I'm an audiophile too, but if I'm just walking around or riding in my car, I don't need perfection. Shoot, even when I'm at home, AAC seems alright to me. Ok, not perfect, but not bad.


macrumors 6502
Dec 16, 2005
It is, and it's slow. Only 4200 RMP at this point.

I believe that is due to the data being far more dense then on non-perpendicular drives. I can't find the link but i remember this being covered in a thread about the newer MacBook Pros. Saying the data read/write rate and the seak time were as good if not better then the smaller capacity drives.

manu chao

macrumors 604
Jul 30, 2003
I believe that [200 GB 2.5" running at 4200 rpm] is due to the data being far more dense then on non-perpendicular drives. I can't find the link but i remember this being covered in a thread about the newer MacBook Pros. Saying the data read/write rate and the seak time were as good if not better then the smaller capacity drives.

There is one 200 GB 2.5" 4200 rpm available that has three platters. Three platters might explain the 4200 rpm but I am not sure whether there is also another 200 GB around that has only two platters.

The three-platter one is bit thicker than most drives, 2.5" drives either are 7.5 mm or 9.5 mm thick (or was it 9.5 and 11.5 mm?).


macrumors member
Jan 11, 2006
I have a 80GB ipod that I had my collection of 6000+ songs (apple default AAC) but have been thinking about ripping using the highest bitrate on to an external HD. Is WAV the best to use when ripping CDs?

I'm not a technophile, just know a little (always a dangerous thing). With CDs, WAV has been the best quality audio format around before DVD-Audio (which is very bleeding edge and isn't widely supported), and it's a standard that can be read on any car or home stereo (via CD), iPod, or any other music reading device. Of course, it's about 10-11X larger than a comparable MP3 encoded at 128kbs, *but* if you play your PC music over a nice stereo system (not a super-high-end stereo system, but a nice one), it's noticeably better than MP3 over the same system.

For more clarification, when you buy a plain-jane audio CD of Led Zeppelin or whoever, the tracks on that CD are WAVs. That's why a blank Audio CD can hold 800mb of music, which translates into about 70-73 minutes of audio instead of 700-800 minutes of MP3 or AAC audio.

Also, FYI, while APL is also a nice lossless format by Apple, if you burn a CD with it, no CD player will recognize it since WAV is -the- engineering audio standard for music playback devices.


macrumors 6502
Dec 16, 2005
Also, FYI, while APL is also a nice lossless format by Apple, if you burn a CD with it, no CD player will recognize it since WAV is -the- engineering audio standard for music playback devices.

When you burn CD's if you burn as an audio cd it does not matter what the format of the source material is it will be converted to play. I belive the CD format is actually based on Aiff (but you may be right with WAV) Either way if you rip as Apple Lossless then burn a disk (as an audio cd) no loss should occur.

The only other common format is mp3 CD's. Which can sound alright if you set the bit rate as high as it can go.

Edit: Research seems to indicate neither wav nor aiff is used on CD's but a red book format based on PCM is infact the CD format.


macrumors 601
Nov 9, 2003
Dress Rosa
I wouldn't mind seeing Apple put one of these into a laptop. Maybe a 8GB RAM disk for the OS for better boottimes–then a 1.8" 100GB for your Home Folder.


macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2006
Texas, unfortunately.

PCWorld reports on Toshiba's newly announced 100GB 1.8" hard drive.

The new drive is expected to start production in January 2007. Similar drives are currently being used in the Apple iPod but top out at a maximum of 80GB. The drive will be on show at the Consumer Electronic Show which takes place between January 8th to 11th.

While the drive is being billed as the largest 1.8" drive, Seagate announced 120GB 1.8" drives which were targeted for the last quarter of 2006.

Bigger then my hard drive... damn, I need to upgrade.


Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
Something tells me that the Zune will be first to get this. Then Apple :(

This is where Microsoft can get it's Jump on the iPod, when it finally offers a larger disk space version, and opens up some new features that Toshiba may offer Microsoft first.

I sure hope we don't get the Microshaft on this one!


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
Something tells me that the Zune will be first to get this. Then Apple :(

This is where Microsoft can get it's Jump on the iPod, when it finally offers a larger disk space version, and opens up some new features that Toshiba may offer Microsoft first.

I sure hope we don't get the Microshaft on this one!

Nah, Apple has the money they'll get it first, anyway the market for 80GB players is pretty small so 100GB will be even lower, unless you get proper video support, very few people have 100GB of music that they want to be portable.
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