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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 10, 2014
Oops, please move to Watch forum, mods.

The weird thing about the announcement of the Apple Watch is we've yet to receive a single email about cool stuff developers are working on. I didn't really even think about it until this morning, when a friend of mine sent me an instant message asking what kind of awesome Apple Watch stuff I've heard is coming. It's seriously, the first time, ever, where I was able to say "I actually haven't heard... anything." Not even on the down low.


If Apple has proven anything, it's that they are masters in getting people to pay for things. While there hasn't been any plans announced yet on how Apple Watch apps will work, there's not a doubt in my mind that you'll be able to exchange money for additional functionality on the watch created by third party developers. That's how the iOS ecosystem works, and a big reason why iOS devices have grown from being the $500 phone your friends made fun of you for buying to the device that everyone has.

I don't doubt for a second that the Apple Watch will see similar popularity. In fact, recent history has shown that the quickest way to make yourself look like a complete idiot in a few months is to doubt the success of an Apple product launch. The things people said about the iPod are just as laughable today as the folks who wrote off the iPad as "just a big iPhone." Additionally, let's not forget the people who need to post on every iPhone unveiling article about how "Apple has truly lost its way" and how "Steve never would've..." only for it to go on and break sales records and cause Apple stock to soar higher.

The Apple Watch seems like the perfect platform for complementary experiences to existing games and very basic standalone games. Imagine, for instance, if you could restock your Tiny Tower Vegas [Free] floors using your watch, where the watch screen represented the delivery truck bringing your tower things. Or, even the same simple gambling functionality on your Apple Watch but you're playing using the chips and earning the bux that you can use in game. Simple tilt games like Doodle Jump [$0.99] would totally work, and this isn't even beginning to scratch the surface of all the cool new stuff the Apple Watch can do, rather, just applying existing things smart watches can do applied to the iOS ecosystem.

I just can't figure out why developers aren't onboard with this, or if they are, why they're not being more publicly excited about it. I fully expected to wake up today to an inbox full of weird concepts and other stuff I could run with of things developers want to make for the Apple Watch. Instead, nothing. When I asked about it on Twitter, responses included things like questioning whether or not developers even can write software for it, but, does anyone remember when everyone thought you could never install third party apps on an iPhone?
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