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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2013
Gothenburg, Sweden

A couple of hours ago I successfully downgraded my iPhone 4 (GSM) from iOS 7.0.4 to 6.1.3, yay! I followed this guide and planned on restoring from the backup I made before I downgraded. Therefore, I modified the backup as the guide I mentioned above told me to. Unfortunately, the backup didn't work and iTunes started to automatically sync my applications to my iPhone... and that worked it self out pretty well! I did not get the data of my apps, which I planned on, but that's okay.
My photos, contacts, reminders and notes were also there, woho!:p

However, all of my messages, both ordinary texts and iMessages, were not on my iPhone. What I do have is the messages "files" on my Mac:

From this folder ("Library"):
To the "SMS" folder:

I guess that it is those files I want on my iPhone(?)


Some relevant information may be that when I opened iBackupBot and checked the latest backup of my device (after the downgrade), all of the messages were in the backup!

This is the screen that shows up when I chose the latest backup:
If I click on the "Message" button I get to this page: And that is all of my text messages!

"Hooray!", I thought, "I just restore my iPhone from that backup (in iBackupBot) and I should be done!" So I restored it to my iPhone but I have still not any messages in my Messages app.

Does anyone know why it is like that and, more importantly, how to fix it?:)

Thanks in advance!:)
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