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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 23, 2016
Hello all, I am getting yet ANOTHER annoying notification from Apple on my recently purchased Macbook Pro laptop, and want to stop it....
I am getting a pop up in the right hand corner of the screen telling me about Two Factor Authorization, which only has the option to click Not Now, but clicking this does not stop it, and it just comes back again and again.
I do NOT want Two Factor Authorization, never have wanted it, and do not intend to be bullied into it by Apple.
Mainly because from what I have read, it is bugged, and once you make the mistake of turning it on, you are now trapped with it until you go buy a new computer.
Apple is constantly trying to shove their Apple ID nonsense down your throat, which is honestly the biggest reason to not buy a Macintosh computer. It would be different if they ever got it working, but they have not, and seem to expect their customers / users to just deal with it.
I do not have a screenshot of this pop up unfortunately, because I just clicked on Not Now again, and it went away, but when, not if, it comes back I will get a screenshot, and post it here!!
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