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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 22, 2020
Hi, I have two light devices in HomeKit and I would like to turn them on at the same time.

I have an outdoor smart Netatmo camera that turns on with motion. I have automated from HomeKit that when the camera's focus is turned on, the lights that I have next to it are turned on with a Xiaomi switch in HomeKit.
The bulb, when it is turned on by movement, turns off only after 3 minutes if it detects no more movement, and I have configured that if the bulb turns off, the lights next to it will also turn off.

In older I have that if I press the Xiaomi switch to turn the lights on / off, the bulb turns on / off.

The problem is that sometimes automation I don't know why it goes crazy and all the lights start to turn off and on and until I deactivate the different Automations that I have created for this task they do not stop turning on and off.

What way do you recommend me so that when I turn on the spotlight by motion or the switch it turns on in the rest of the lights that I want without going crazy and they start to turn on and off continuously?

Thanks a lot


macrumors 601
May 27, 2008
It sounds like you have what's called a "circular reference" where bulb 1 controls bulb2, and bulb 2 controls bulb 1. which causes it go into that automation loop.
You'll want to get rid of half of that, and make one bulb be the leader, and the others be the followers. You should only have automations that run when the leader bulb is controlled. So any automations that trigger "when follower bulb turn on/off" need to be deleted.

I think you might have a typo in "In older I have that if I press the Xiaomi" I'm not 100% sure what you mean.

Is the Xiaomi switch just a button, or does it actually have the hardware the powers the light?
and then the regular lights are actually powered by another device

I think you want to set it up...

Switch on - turn on camera light and regular light
Switch off - turn off camera light and regular light.

camera light on - turn on regular light.
possibly do the same for off - keep in mind, if you turn on the light regularly and then the motion sensor trips, the regular light will turn off once the motion is cleared, possibly leaving you in the dark.

not sure if this will help you but it might

You can group accessories. Hit the settings gear on one of the devices you want to be in the group, and look for "group with other accessories"

In my kitchen I have 2 pieces of under cabinet LED tape. called Fridge and Sink, they're grouped into "Cabinets." When grouped they'll comibine to 1 tile in the home app, that will control every member of that group. I can ask siri for "cabinets" and she'll control both with one command, or "Sink" and she'll only do the one, you can also still access the individual tiles for each device, it just takes a couple extra clicks
you still maintain individual control for each device both manually and in scenes, it just lets you control multiple devices at the same time.
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