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Original poster
Oct 15, 2011
Austin TX
Most people are aware of the UI bug on iPhone 6+ and iPad that causes user-chosen wallpapers to get horribly stretched out when the device is rotated into landscape mode. This problem is especially noticeable on the iPhone 6+ and appears even if you size your wallpaper to the same dimensions as the default wallpapers included in iOS. This bug has been around since iOS 7 and Apple doesn't seem to be in any hurry to get it fixed. However, I have discovered that if you put your custom wallpapers in the stock wallpaper folder, the iPhone/iPad treats them as if they were stock wallpaper and sizes them properly in landscape (i.e. no zooming). Unfortunately, since this method involves navigating the iPhone's file system, a jailbroken device will be required. My tutorial is below. Note that, though I wrote these steps for the iPhone 6+, they work on iPads as well. However, since I don't currently own an iPad, I don't know what the correct dimensions for the image thumbnails is. If someone could post back with those dimensions and also the file name convention, I'll update the tutorial.

Things you will need:
  • A jailbroken iPhone 6+ or iPad
  • Access to the filesystem via SSH using Cyberduck something similar
  • An image sized at at least 2706x2706 or higher to be used as the wallpaper
  • A photo editing program capable of resizing and cropping images (I use Photoshop but there are many free alternatives out there)

How to get properly sized wallpapers:
  1. Create your wallpaper in the correct dimensions for your device. iPhone 6+ wallpapers are 2706x2706 px. Retina iPad wallpapers are 2524x2524 px. The reason both devices use square wallpapers is to allow landscape rotation without stretching the wallpaper.
  2. Save your wallpaper as a PNG using the following file name format: 325.NAME_HERE-414w-736h@3x~iphone.png. Replace "NAME_HERE" with whatever you want to call your wallpaper. Use the index number 325 for your first wallpaper (and count up from there for any additional wallpapers you want to add).
  3. Create a second version of your wallpaper sized at 353x627 px. This will be used as the image thumbnail when you are scrolling through in Settings on your iPhone.
  4. Save your thumbnail as a PNG using the following file name format: 325.NAME_HERE-414w-736h@3x~iphone.png. Use the same index number and "NAME_HERE" as your main wallpaper (that way, the phone will know which thumbnail goes with which wallpaper).
  5. Connect to your iPhone via SSH and navigate to Library --> Wallpaper --> iPhone.
  6. Drag your wallpaper and thumbnail created earlier into this folder.
  7. If the Settings app on your iPhone is currently running, quit it via the multi-tasking switcher and reopen it.
  8. Go to Wallpaper --> Choose a New Wallpaper --> Stills. Scroll down until you find the new wallpaper you created and select it. Notice that you will not be allowed to zoom in/out or pan around the image. It has already been sized properly for parallax and rotation so the phone won't allow you to do anything else to it.
  9. Select your new wallpaper and go back to the springboard. Your wallpaper should now rotate properly just like the stock wallpapers. See pictures of my phone below.


If you want to add more wallpapers, just repeat this process and increase the index number for each image (i.e. 326, 327, 328,...). Don't use numbers below 325 as some Winterboard themes add custom wallpapers to this folder and you don't want to risk overwriting them. I hope you all found this tutorial helpful. Feel free to reply with any questions below.
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