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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 9, 2008

Have been let down by o2 with a 08:10 online order which may or may not be shipped by o2 between now and the 18th who knows.

I happened to have an genius bar appointment first thing Saturday morning at the Kingston, Surrey Apple my surprise the Apple store had stock of iphones so it queued up for a while and got myself an black 16GB :) although I could have had any model I liked, including a white one.

although o2 and carphone warehouse have no stock, Apple themselves had loads, I did ask how many they had, all the apple guys said was "stock wasn't a problem", i got the impression they had at least a 100 units including white ones, the main problem is the length of time to sell them 20-40 minutes per customer and only four sales staff dealing with iphone contract connections, as its a very small store!

:apple: to the rescue :cool:


macrumors 6502
Jun 3, 2003

Have been let down by o2 with a 08:10 online order which may or may not be shipped by o2 between now and the 18th who knows.

I happened to have an genius bar appointment first thing Saturday morning at the Kingston, Surrey Apple my surprise the Apple store had stock of iphones so it queued up for a while and got myself an black 16GB :) although I could have had any model I liked, including a white one.

although o2 and carphone warehouse have no stock, Apple themselves had loads, I did ask how many they had, all the apple guys said was "stock wasn't a problem", i got the impression they had at least a 100 units including white ones, the main problem is the length of time to sell them 20-40 minutes per customer and only four sales staff dealing with iphone contract connections, as its a very small store!

:apple: to the rescue :cool:

It's no surprise they have more stock left - they are only accepting new orders from new customers unlike O2 and CPW who are selling loads to upgraders.

April Dancer

macrumors regular
Apr 11, 2006
Surrey, UK
ARGH! Kingston is my nearest store. I desperately want the white but have a black on order. I did think about changing my husband's non iPhone o2 account in the Apple Store to a white iPhone but apparently that counts as an upgrade as well. So near and yet so far! :mad:

There's got to be a way round this, surely?


macrumors 68020
Apr 1, 2005
Now don't quote me on this, but apparently you CAN get an upgrade through the Apple store. On another thread here someone asked O2 if he could but an iPhone with a new contract at an Apple store, use his old SIM and cancel his old contract without paying a cancellation fee and they said yes.

Not sure how this would work in practice but it sounds interesting!

April Dancer

macrumors regular
Apr 11, 2006
Surrey, UK
That sounds promising... Anything's worth a try anyway. It seems crazy that they allow you to upgrade, shops have the one you want but you can't have it because it's the wrong shop so half of us in the UK are having to make do with something that's not quite what we want. Ah well... :rolleyes:


macrumors member
Nov 6, 2007
I could not be happier!

ordered online from CPW paying extra for early delivery friday, it never turned up.

stood in line friday morning for over an hour to be told sold out by O2.

drove to nearest apple store (exeter - about 45 mins away), and played with the iphone 3g but assumed they were sold out as the phone stores are quoting small stock shipments once a week. Walked up to a sales advisor and casually asked "what time today did you sell out of stock?" he said "sold out? we have loads in all models!" the rest is history, I love you apple store!


Can't get my linksys router to allow me to use apple remote or app store or internet tho despite adding it on the iphone, probably router settings I think(?)

I will have a play . . .

unless anyone knows?

April Dancer

macrumors regular
Apr 11, 2006
Surrey, UK
I could not be happier!

ordered online from CPW paying extra for early delivery friday, it never turned up.

stood in line friday morning for over an hour to be told sold out by O2.

drove to nearest apple store (exeter - about 45 mins away), and played with the iphone 3g but assumed they were sold out as the phone stores are quoting small stock shipments once a week. Walked up to a sales advisor and casually asked "what time today did you sell out of stock?" he said "sold out? we have loads in all models!" the rest is history, I love you apple store!

Presumably you were a new customer though? Oh it's all so frustrating! :confused:


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2007
Terrible! i want to upgrade to a white one and I can not. And i don't want to have to pay the full price on an Iphone from Apple store and then go through the hassle of canceling my old contract. Anyway, that's life.


macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2007
Just for info.

Was in Apple Store at Trafford Centre, and they can only sell new contracts not upgrades.

Stock however wasn't an issue and they had a nice queue of people looking at black and white iPhones!

Surprising that Apple have stock and O2 & CPW don't!
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