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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 14, 2005
Hi everybody,

I have a very very weird I'm looking for anybody who have my configuration...

I use a Powerbook 1Ghz and FCP Pro 4.5 HD... and an brand new Panasonic GS250...

And when i launch FCP, he can't recognize the cam as a firewire stuff... Impossible...
But, the thing very weird, is that, in the Log and Capture Window, the buttons PLAY, REWIND and FAST FORWARD are WORKING !!!!!

Does anybody had the same problem ?

I change my Firewire cable and it don't work as well... I wonder if the Firewire plug is not broken on the camcorder...

Thanks for your help...


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
Does is work in other apps? Try iChat or iMovie or the mirror widget.

What are your audio/video preferences for firewire devices set to in FCP?


macrumors 65816
May 20, 2004
That's strange I have a PV-GS250 and it works fine with FCP 4.5 and 5 on a dual 2.5.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 19, 2003
London, England
I had the same problem recently with a Sony camcorder that had previously been working fine with FCP 4.

The solution was to trash the FCP preferences and hard restart the computer, i.e. shut down and restart, not just restart.

Your should repair your permissions anyway.

Hope this helps.

Artful Dodger

macrumors 68020
Hi, try it with iMovie with the following:
Plug in the FW, start iMovie, turn on the 250, Move the joystick to playmode, iMovie shows clip playing, press import and clips should appear. If it works try that with FCP (open FCP first, then do the same thing).
This has been an issue on a few other sites and from feed back about the camcorder itself (I was looking at this model).
Let us know what the outcome is ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 16, 2003
Are you saying it does capture?

Try checking the items at the bottom of the View menu. Refresh A/V devices, External Video, Video Playback, etc.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 14, 2005
Hi everybody...

Thanks you all for your kindness...

Mydriasis : I try iMovie... and it's the same. It says that the camera is connected, i can see the timecode, but when I press the play button, it stops after 2 sec without doing anything.

Moof1904 : Thanks for this information... Panasonic said to me yesterday that I should use a PC... because the GS250 work on it... :rolleyes:

Applespider : yes, the date is correct.

WinterMute : what a pity... I hope it works... but it doesn't....

Artful Dodger : Sorry but it didn't work (see ma answer to Mydriasis)

Jacg : no, it doesn't capture any images nor sound. It seems the data can't pass the firewire cable.

Thanks at you all... I begin to think that it's a problem of the camcorder itself and the firewire plug... I'm going to test it on a PC computer...


macrumors member
May 27, 2005
Before you give up, install the latest version of Quicktime. If you have the latest version, reinstall it. It works for a lot of disappearing camera problems.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 14, 2005
Great !!!!!


And it works at least...

It's so simple I didn't even think of ot... Reinstall the lastest version of Quicktime fix my problem and FCP find without my camcorder instantly.

Thanks to you all for your kindness...
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