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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 1, 2019
I am at my wits end trying to fix this issue. I have been to the apple store numerous times and they don't know what is causing it. This is a 2018 13" macbook pro with a touch bar.

I am trying to update from 10.14.4 to 10.14.5. I see the following error in the log:

100.0% -1.0s (error: Error Domain=SUErrorDomain Code=700 "Unable to verify software update." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd036f1f700 {Error Domain=OSPErrorDomain Code=302 "The signed AP ticket could not be found." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The signed AP ticket could not be found.}}, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=You can try again to complete the installation., NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to verify software update.})
2019-06-01 10:33:32-04 MacBook-Pro system_installd[1068]: PackageKit: Removing client PKInstallDaemonClien

I have tried doing a clean install and that works fine. When I restore from my backup and try to upgrade, I see this error again.

Any ideas?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 1, 2019

Instead of doing it through software update, try downloading the update from this link then install it.

Installation failed. Log output:

2019-06-01 11:07:47-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied (16.16.5125.0.0,0), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2019-06-01 11:07:47-04 MacBook-Pro suhelperd[360]: Verifying package at path: /Library/Updates/_ManualUpdate/macOSUpdCombo10.14.5.pkg
2019-06-01 11:07:47-04 MacBook-Pro suhelperd[360]: packageWithPath returned nil!
2019-06-01 11:07:47-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: SoftwareUpdate: request for status for unknown product _ManualUpdate
2019-06-01 11:07:47-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: Package Authoring Error: PackageInfo bundle reference found without top-level bundle definition. Bundle will be skipped: <bundle id="*"></bundle>
2019-06-01 11:07:47-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: SoftwareUpdate: Personalizing manual product at /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000s0000068/C/
2019-06-01 11:07:47-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: SUPersonalizationManager: Enqueuing personalization request
2019-06-01 11:07:47-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: SUPersonalizationManager: Starting personalization
2019-06-01 11:07:47-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: SoftwareUpdate: request for status for unknown product _ManualUpdate
2019-06-01 11:07:47-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: Package Authoring Error: PackageInfo bundle reference found without top-level bundle definition. Bundle will be skipped: <bundle id="*"></bundle>
2019-06-01 11:07:47-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: SoftwareUpdate: request for status for unknown product _ManualUpdate
2019-06-01 11:07:48-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: Package Authoring Error: PackageInfo bundle reference found without top-level bundle definition. Bundle will be skipped: <bundle id="*"></bundle>
2019-06-01 11:07:48-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: Personalization summary: 18E226 -> 18F132 (Customer), global = 0, variant = multiple, client = softwareupdated, user auth = 0, tdm = 0, prod fused = 1, model = j132ap, session = 8504F3D6-1201-43B3-9440-E5958B3858EF: Error Domain=OSPErrorDomain Code=302 "The signed AP ticket could not be found." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The signed AP ticket could not be found.}
2019-06-01 11:07:48-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: SUPersonalizationManager: Personalization failed for _ManualUpdate: Error Domain=OSPErrorDomain Code=302 "The signed AP ticket could not be found." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The signed AP ticket could not be found.}
2019-06-01 11:07:48-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: SoftwareUpdate: Could not personalize manual product at /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000s0000068/C/
2019-06-01 11:07:48-04 MacBook-Pro softwareupdated[359]: Manual product is nil, therefore an error occured, stashing token will NOT be created...
2019-06-01 11:07:48-04 MacBook-Pro Installer[4173]: ManualAdoption: Error adopting /Volumes/macOS 10.14.5 Update/macOSUpdCombo10.14.5.pkg: Error Domain=SUErrorDomain Code=700 "Unable to verify software update." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x600001b80270 {Error Domain=OSPErrorDomain Code=302 "The signed AP ticket could not be found." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The signed AP ticket could not be found.}}, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=You can try again to complete the installation., NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to verify software update.}
2019-06-01 11:07:48-04 MacBook-Pro Installer[4173]: ManualAdoption: stashToken is Nil, softwareupdated did not authorize a token, stashing has failed!


macrumors G5
Jul 11, 2009
If the above step does not work, you can also download the full Mojave 10.14.5 installer from the App Store and try that. It will not delete your data.
[doublepost=1559403762][/doublepost]Do you have internet access when you're trying to install this update? The computer looks to be trying to verify the signature for the T2 chip and is unable to do so.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 1, 2019
If the above step does not work, you can also download the full Mojave 10.14.5 installer from the App Store and try that. It will not delete your data.
[doublepost=1559403762][/doublepost]Do you have internet access when you're trying to install this update? The computer looks to be trying to verify the signature for the T2 chip and is unable to do so.
same error...sigh


macrumors G5
Jul 11, 2009
same error...sigh
You might have missed my last post which got merged into my previous one. T2 equipped Macs, like the 2018 and later MacBook Pros require an active internet connection to install software updates. Is your computer able to access the internet, and all of Apple's internet addresses in particular?
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 1, 2019
You might have missed my last post which got merged into my previous one. T2 equipped Macs, like the 2018 and later MacBook Pros require an active internet connection to install software updates. Is your computer able to access the internet, and all of Apple's internet addresses in particular?

I did miss it. I was connected to the internet, but just to be sure I changed my DNS to and retried the full install from the mac store. Same thing.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 1, 2019
I got it! I cleared out my /etc/hosts file. I had a bad entry there from 7 years ago. Since my old MBP never had to reach out to the server to verify updates, I never saw this issue.


macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2021
I am having a very similar issue (similar log errors) with my 2020 iMac, which will not update Catalina or Big Sur. Can you explain how you "cleared out" your /etc/hosts file? I am not the most computer literate so an clarification you can provide is appreciated.


macrumors newbie
Sep 26, 2021
I got it! I cleared out my /etc/hosts file. I had a bad entry there from 7 years ago. Since my old MBP never had to reach out to the server to verify updates, I never saw this issue.
Literally just signed up to say THANK YOU for posting your solution! After ripping my hair out and taking my new-to-me Mac Mini back to Apple to have them erase the thing every time a system update came out, I took efforts into my own hands by the second time and this worked flawlessly.
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