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Original poster
Mar 21, 2011
In previous version of iOS 13.2.3, i could not receive calls... I initially pointed this down to how Apple changed the "Allow calls from' under DND from "Everyone" to "Favorites". however DND was "OFF' so i always was on the assumption these options on the pane only worked when DND was "ON"

I can't remember the exact message, but was something about "call blocked, or barred" along those lines,,

I called up Kogan (my Mobile Virtual Network Operator), and they said to change this setting from 'Favoutes' to EVeryone. which worked..

I'm guessing this worked because i didn't have anyone on my Favoures list

Fast forward (to when I update iOS to 13.1) for some reason on a clean iOS restore DND STILL is listed as "Favoutites" yet i can receive calls again...

This points me down to software update change ??

I'm guessing if this was an APple issue, there would be much more debates over it.. so can anyone say what happened?
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