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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 30, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Hi all,
I've been viewing and using these forums for support for a couple of years, I've never run into a problem that I have not been able to fix, until now.
I have an iPhone 5s running iOS 7.0.4 and a Mid-2013 Macbook Air running OSX Mavericks 10.9.1 with iTunes Version 11.1.4 (62)
This morning I purchased a couple of albums off the iTunes store on my phone and connected it to the computer to transfer purchases. This all went well. I decided I only wanted a select few songs off the albums I purchased, so I moved the ones I wanted to the playlist I have synced to my phone. To make sure it was a nice clean sync, I removed all of the music off my phone and hit sync. First problem, having 0 songs, playlists selected, I still having about 5 songs that sync over to my phone, I have selected "Sync only checked songs and videos" and "Manually manage music and videos" and this has not made a difference.
Second problem, when I select my playlist to sync, it comes up a few songs short. My playlist has 469 songs, yet when I select the playlist to sync it only shows up 466 songs. Furthermore, once the sync has completed, I go into the Music app on my phone and it only shows 450 songs in total on the phone. I know it doesn't seem like a huge deal, but it's really bugging me and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help. :)
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