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tony Ramirez

macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 13, 2007
is it just me or when u put ur ipod in the universal dock its wayyyyyyyyyy harder to slide to unlockk and all that stuff

if im right, im thinkin since the touchscreen uses the static evreyone naturally gives off, the electricity from the dock might be interfering
idk just a thought any1 agree??


macrumors 6502a
Nov 3, 2006
Sometimes I have a hard time controlling the touch when docked, but I think it's an angle thing. It sits back a few degrees, so where I *think* I'm touching I'm probably not.

I suspect this is why the new docks come with remotes, but that's just a guess.

tony Ramirez

macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 13, 2007
i dont think so because i've tried holding the ipod like i normally do in my hands but with the dock attached and theres no difference
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