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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 27, 2021
I have a 2020 MacBook Pro 13, and a curious problem, that I can't get rid of and it seems to me like the rest of the inter webs, as well as Apple support couldn't solve it either. The problem is persisting Update Apple ID settings dialog. Whatever I try, it always stays there and it prevents me from syncing my keychain from my Mac. On the same Apple ID I also have an iPhone 13 and an iPad (7th gen if I recall correctly) and they operate normally, everything is syncing fine. Apple Support's conclusion was to perform a clean reinstall of system, which was done by IT Support in my company (the computer is enterprise managed so that means no recovery mode access, only admin account on a running system). Reinstall didn't help. Here are some other things that I tried with no luck:

- logging Apple ID out and back again on my Mac
- logging Apple ID out and back again on each of my Apple devices
- deleting all devices from iCloud & Apple ID
- logging out and back again to Face Time & iMessage on all devices
- resetting local keychain on my mac
- creating new admin user on my Mac, with empty keychain and trying to sync
- deleting keychain folder in ~/Library/Keychains by hand
- changing Apple ID
- changing Apple ID's password
not to mention SMC reset & NVRAM/PRAM reset

Only one thing brought some change: I changed my local Mac's account password to the same one as my Apple ID and that resulted in two persisting dialogs now:

- Update Apple ID Settings
- Confirm Mac's Password.

I would not mind that red dot popping up all the time, although I'm quite allergic to these red dots :D but what matters more for me is the inability to sync my keychain. I know I can use some kind of password manager (and I do) but some password I have only in my iCloud keychain and I can't remember them all. Apart from that, I hate when something is not working properly. Any help would be appreciated.
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