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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 11, 2022
An update to macOS Catalina has made the quality of the built-in webcam that awful that will feel guilty during zoom session, because other participants' eyes could bleed: overall quality 20x times worse than it was in Mavericks, but the main concern is a ghosting problem. When I close my eyes and then open them - I can see on the web camera application the moment when my eyes are closed. When I move my head – all my face is very blurred.
My device: MBP late 2013, 15"
Is there any way how to fix it? Maybe it's possible to instal drivers from the older version? The situation is much better on Big Sur, but it gives other bugs, so I don't really want to use it. I can try to install Mojave, but I don't know whether it will help, and I'm really tired of reinstalling and settings up everything because each version of macOS gives its own different issues.
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