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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 24, 2014
So lately I've been getting into creating my own scripts for GeekTool and one thing I'm constantly doing is tracking packages. I hate having to open up a browser and track the package that way. I wanted to make a script that could be dynamically ran with multiple tracking numbers at once in GeekTool. I've made this script that can be used with a tracking number to display the tracking history of a UPS shipment.


#ups tracking url with $1 passed from shell

#store html source to variable
T=$(curl --silent $TRACKSITE)

#parse out unnecessary html and leave relevant text only
S=$(echo "$T" | sed -n '/<!-- START: Standard 1Z Tracking Package Progress Box -->/,/<!-- END: Standard 1Z Tracking Package Progress Box -->/p' | sed -n '/<table/,/<\/table/p' | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/ /g' | tr -d '[:blank:]' | sed 's/<\/tr>/\'$'\n/g' | sed 's/<tdclass=\"nowrap\"><\/td>/\[N\/A\]/g' | sed 's/<[^>]*>/ /g' | sed 's/,UnitedStates/,USA/g' | sed 's/Scan/_Scan/g' | sed 's/\.//g'| column -t)

#echo formatted text with $1 and $2 passed from shell

Save the above to a .sh file and store it somewhere you can get to. You may have to chmod it to make it executable depending on your setup. Then, in GeekTool, create a new shell geeklet and just call your shell script with a tracking number and description like this:

/path/to/your/script/ 1ZR441800196847996 MY_SHIPMENT_NAME

The tracking number above is bogus, but the output of a real tracking number will look like this in GeekTool or any Terminal:

TRACKING NUMBER: 1ZR441800196847996
Location             Date        LocalTime  Activity
LittleRock,AR,USA    02/25/2014  7:09AM     OutForDelivery
LittleRock,AR,USA    02/24/2014  7:57PM     Arrival_Scan
OklahomaCity,OK,USA  02/24/2014  1:30PM     Departure_Scan
OklahomaCity,OK,USA  02/21/2014  10:51PM    Arrival_Scan
Salina,KS,USA        02/21/2014  6:27PM     Departure_Scan
[N/A]                02/21/2014  4:56PM     Arrival_Scan
CommerceCity,CO,USA  02/21/2014  5:55AM     Departure_Scan
CommerceCity,CO,USA  02/20/2014  3:40PM     Arrival_Scan
SaltLakeCity,UT,USA  02/20/2014  6:26AM     Departure_Scan
[N/A]                02/20/2014  1:11AM     Origin_Scan
UnitedStates         02/19/2014  1:00AM     OrderProcessed:ReadyforUPS

I'm sure this isn't the cleanest script ever. I know the line with the seds got crazy and I'm sure you could condense it if you wanted but this works so it works for me haha. Feel free to suggest any modifications. This is my first real stab at this sort of thing so I'm not claiming to be perfect. Hopefully this will make someones life easier like it does mine. Enjoy.

-cs :cool:
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