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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 26, 2007
Have sucessfully jailbroke my touch using the latest PC version of touchfree, and now have the installer app and SMBprefs apps on my touch. Thank you Planetbeing for creating such a fool proof way to jailbreak!

I have spent many hours searching this forum and youtube for what to do next from this point, but can't seem to find a concensus. The problem is, that there were so many ways to jailbreak the touch, that what to do next varies considerably. For instance, Ive read threads on here like... ....saw that video...wasnt as shows how to jailbreak the old way....

What I have been able to gather, is that by using the latest touchfree way of JBing the touch, the community services section of the installer comes pre-loaded with some great 3rd party aps and fixes??
I am wary of doing anything before Im sure it is correct, I have had to re-JB my touch countless times already by trying to experiment....

Anybody that jailbroke their touch in this way (touchfree, latest version on PC) care to give some advise as to where to go/what to do next to start installing and using various apps??? Links to any exisiting "how to" threads would also be greatly appreciated! I can't seem to find any that specificaaly deal with this type of operation....

Please....I have already searched a ton, I wouldnt waste your time by not attempting that first....please??
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