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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 29, 2012
i had an older iphone and when i take pictures most of the time they end up oriented incorrectly. i've experimented with this and i don't understand why it is happening. i do understand there is a gps chip in the phone. but it seems to me it just cannot be this difficult.
please note i have since bought a new 14 pro and it has the same problem.
there is obviously a "top" to my phone. when i hood the phone upright at 90 degrees to the ground and so top is up there is no problem.
but as far as i remember if i rotate it 99 right or 99 degrees left or 180 degrees i don't think there is any rational way the photo is then oriented. meaning i don't believe it the top orientation of the photo "follows" the top orientation of the camera.
so then i have to rotate it using that little clockwise rotation symbol.
if i have 20 photos that all accidentally have top to the left, then i have to hit that clockwise rotation symbol three times for each of the twenty photos.
now it is entirely possibly that if i hold the phone at exact 90 degrees to the ground that the photos will in fact "follow" the top of the phone. so if i rotate the phone to the right i end up with a photo in landscape mode with top to the right etc etc.
but i'd definitely does not happen when i start to angle the phone to take a photo at an oblique angle if say i am taking a picture of a newspaper on a counter and i want a photo of it.
it also doesn't happen if i hold the phone horizontal directly over the paper and take a photo with the phone horizontal.
i do get there is a gps sensor and it may have "a hard time" with 1 degree not horizontal or something? but right now my results are RANDOM which is insane because i never know how photos will end up rotated.
and right now i just want to "lock" the photo results to my phone orientation. this does not seem so talk a task. why can't i just tell camera/photos to lock the photo orientation to whatever phone orientation i had when i took the picture.
also please. i have been made aware of some kind of "preview" pane in photos where supposedly the camera is showing me a previous photo (?!) and it is somehow orienting the previous photo to show me how my NEXT photo will be oriented? but this also seems unworkable in two ways. 1. i don't see it rotating frequently. but 2. how am i supposed to know what is up in a prior photo? i mean if i am looking at a person standing up and this preview lane orients landscape left or right ot portrait upside down i suppose i could see that me next photo - well it is trying to tell me my next photo will be rotated in this way relative to how it would have otherwise been shown?
i mean having a notion to only rotate pictures clockwise is so idiotic as to be orwelllian.
but this orientation implementation is kafkaesque.
can anyone help?


macrumors 6502
Jun 25, 2014
Sorry that you're experiencing this issue - I'm a bit baffled by this. My iPhones have pretty much always oriented photos correctly. The only times I have to rotate photos are are when I'm holding the phone at unusual angles (eg. scanning documents or shooting up at trees/buildings when stood underneath them).

One possibility occurs to me - the device and camera rotation is handled by the accelerometer and gyroscope - it's nothing to do with the GPS. You could check that those sensors are working correctly by using the spirit level in the Measure app (it doesn't seem likely that two different phones would have their sensors damaged in the same way, but anything is possible).

only rotate pictures clockwise is so idiotic as to be orwelllian but this orientation implementation is kafkaesque.
Alas, I'm not really familiar with George Orwell and Franz Kafka's views on digital photography and user interface design :)

I can see how only being about rotate clockwise is frustrating, but it's one of many trade-offs between having a simplified interface and more functions exposed. Photomator and (I imagine other 3rd party apps) have controls for rotating in both directions, if that's critical to you.
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macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
Normally the only time I run into this issue, is when pointing the phone down (taking a picture of a document like @PeteBurgh mentioned, or one of my pets). And, there IS a way to tell if it’s not rotating the photo properly. Look at the “.5 1x 2” icons (2 is only there if it’s a Pro; otherwise it’s just “.5 1” icons) - they’ll rotate to be upright in the orientation of the saved photo. A couple of other icons do the rotation too but those are the simplest to see it on. Here’s a screenshot of me taking a picture of my dog, with the orientation of those showing that it’s going to be a PORTRAIT photo (as though she’s standing on her nose) when the photo is taken.

The “Secret” seems to be, rotate the phone to the orientation you want FIRST - then point it down at the subject of the photo. That cures it for 95% of my photos, it’s rare now for me to have to fiddle with it at all.
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