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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 8, 2011
So I’ve wanted to use my phone as a hud for a while. But I’ve had an iPhone 4s for years and didn’t have a cell contract on it for most of that, so most nav options for it weren’t great without an internet connection.

Now I’ve got an iPhone X (SG256 if you’re curious) and it would be awesome as a hud. There’s tons of apps for it, it’s bright enough, etc. BUT I tend to keep my phones longer than the average person so I don’t want to go burning a bunch of junk into my screen. There’s no HUD apps specifically for the X, and none seem to not include static elements. So I’m curious if anyone knows of a hud app that is OLED friendly or if they have experience using HUDs on oled phones in general.

I know it will get dimmer and burn in over time no matter what, but id like to keep that from happening in an obvious way for as long as possible. If I knew how to code apps (maybe this is a good reason to learn) i’d Just make one myself, but I don’t.
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