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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 25, 2010
Hi all,
I currently run a windows environment, syncing all my files via a synology box between my laptop & desktop. I never have to bring my laptop to work - everything is just there waiting for me. And vice versa.

Now it's time for a new laptop, and these macbooks seem so great that I'm thinking about going that direction. I fear, however, that this will cause me headaches when syncing my entire documents folder between computers. Will mac programs understand windows program files (e.g. .docx), etc? Or will they convert every time they open one saved by the other system?

Also, I sync my entire Lightroom catalog in addition to photos. Will Lightroom on the mac understand and work with the Lightroom catalog files created by Lightroom on windows?

I remember the days when mac & windows file formats, etc, were usually not compatible. But maybe that's changed now? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance...
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