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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 13, 2017

I have +1000 photos on my mac, each of them nicely tagged with multiple tags using OS X tags. I would like to view a bunch those photos on my IOS, with the possibility to search them by tag, directly on my iPhone/ipad... Is there somehow a way, an app, a trick, to do that ?

I don't care if it's with physical transfert of the photos or an cloud storage solution. (cloud might be better)

iPhone's 'Photos app' can search 'photo-keywords' entered in the Photos-mac-app, but not the OS X system tags, plus i would prefer those +1000 photos to live somewhere else than the iPhone's Photos-app.
Cloud systems as Dropbox, Box, Google drive or google image doesn't seem to have tags functionalities on their iPhone apps, or i'm mistaken. Any other file managing app or solution? (If it's a dedicated tag system solution, i hope there should be a way to convert my OS X tags, into that system, if possible. Because if not i would have to retag all the photos that i want to see on my iphone, quite painful, but better than nothing.)

Thanks by advance for your help,


macrumors 68020
Apr 8, 2010
the Netherlands
I'm not sure what kind of tags OSX uses and ads to your photos but I think it ads this to the Exif details I think by looking at this.
I haven't used either one of these but there are quite a lot of third party apps that can show existing 'Exif' data like e.g. location, camera used but I think also the tags that were added to the photos. I think you might need to try a free one to see if it does something. Please note that some of the free ones are limited and you have to do an in-app purchase or buy a pro version to get more features. You might also reach out to the developers or check their websites.

MyPics (free) | Photo Data by (Exiƒ Photos) (free) | Metadata Viewer for Photo and Video (free) | iMeta Photos (free) | PixlMet (free, 1.99 in-app premium feat.) | EXIF Viewer LITE (free) or EXIF Viewer Pro by Fluntro Pro (2.99 dollar) | Exif Editor and Viewer (2.99 dollar) | ViewExif (0,99 dollar)
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 13, 2017
Thanks. Finder tags "are stored in an extended attribute named" says this webpage: Here is an apple link about tags:

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, but i'm not interested at all in Exif location, camera, aperture stuff, i'm talking about "personal tags", about subjectives aspects of the photos, tags that i attributed manually to my +1000 photos.

I didn't find any photo or cloud library app that can search photos, or files, by tags or keywords. :-(

(I just checked all the apps you mentioned and MyPics actually can search photos by a private type of 'tags', but this app is totally ankward and unusuable: It's not even possible to put tags on several photos at a time, unable to import screenshots or panomaras, just to mention a few things... The rest are just apps designed to erase or view meta-exif-tags)


macrumors 68020
Apr 8, 2010
the Netherlands
I'm sorry almost none of the apps were indicating the tags that Apple OSX uses which you have defined. It is good though that MyPics can do it. You might contact the developer to suggest changes or look further if there are any apps there that can what you are looking for. Hopefully someone else here or maybe better to ask in a photo forum that can help you find the right app.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 13, 2017
Ah thanks for the tip, maybe I can ask in the photo forum.

P.s.: MyPics cannot keep Apple OSX tags, or any Photos app tags of the photos it import, it just have its own note/tag system. Plus it cannot synchronize anything. It just import for camera roll. This app seems pretty useless to my purpose. Suggest changes to the dev would be equivalent to ask him to write a different app.
[doublepost=1487168990][/doublepost]hmm but i don't know which photo forum fits app/iphone stuff... dpreview is more a dslr place...
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