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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2005
0 I am a professional musician and I've used everything from Cakewalk to FruityLoops to Logic, and I recently purchased an iBook so I could use GarageBand. So far I love the program, but everytime I record my vocals it only plays through the left ear, I can't get any of it to come through the right. Everything else I record works just fine and plays in stereo, EXCEPT the vocals. I even tried making it so they panned all the way to the right, and still nothing. I have came across so many problems over the years recording things and this one still has me stumped. Can anybody help a girl out? How can I fix this? Thanks :eek:


macrumors 68030
immortalkiss said:
Thanks for your informative and helpful response, I really appreciate it.

Usually people on here will give good advice, hang in there and you'll get your answers.

I don't record vocals, so I'm not sure how to help.

Have you posted your quetion on the apple garageband discussion boards?

Also, OSX might help.

Good luck :)
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