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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 19, 2010
I upgraded my iPhone 4S from iOS 6.x.x to iOS 7.0.4 yesterday. During the process of syncing, I stopped it from syncing my music library, as it was taking forever (I have it set to transcode because otherwise my 64GB iPhone will fill up). I jailbroke it, installed some stuff, and then went back to sync. I couldn't get it to sync music, it just gets stuck on waiting for changes to be applied. So I finally resigned myself to restoring the iPhone so that I could get it to sync, and it won't sync.

ARGH! This is getting so frustrating!

Is there any way to fix this, or is it time to dump the iPhone, give up on carrying my music around (I barely listen to it anyways) and get a Moto X?


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it started woroking again. I'll keep my fingers crossed on this one. Definitely letting it finish syncing this time. At least that way I'll have it all on there even if it doesn't want to sync again.
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