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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 25, 2012

I haven't tried iOS 7 yet, but does anyone know if the podcast app has this aforementioned feature now?

Ever since I first started using an iPhone in 2008, I have been looking for the seemingly basic functionality of having the iPhone play unplayed podcasts as I wake up.

I have been through a great many 'alarm' apps, some of which allow you to select a podcast file to play (which is madness since you don't want to wake up to the same morning show every morning unless you're Bill Murray), or a podcast playlist.

At first I thought that if I selected a playlist of unplayed podcasts that it would play a different podcast every morning but no, none could keep up with a changing playlist so it either didn't work or they played the same thing over and over again.

Considering that podcast is now for many people the only way they listen to radio today, and considering how many people use their phones as alarm clocks. It's really puzzling that no one at Apple have ever thought of combining the two. So if any of you have interacted with iOS 7, is there any change? Or perhaps you know of another way of doing this?



macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 25, 2012
I'll give this a bump. Is there really no one else with this problem?


macrumors newbie
Feb 10, 2010
Bump... This might be something available via cydia/jailbreak. I've not found anything yet though.
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