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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 1, 2004
central Michigan
Probably something that everyone knows but me!!!! Will a wallstreet cpu [w/cache] plug and go into a mainstreet? Is there a place where one can find what fits what?? I have a really nice [physically] mainstreet powerbook, cause it aint fast it hasn't had much use....Maybe a small inexpensive "upgrade" will give it a more useful life... Thanks in advance for your kind assistance, and patience with "we the unknowing"!!


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 1, 2004
central Michigan
Ok Cool, Thanks for the quick reply.. while we're at it would you think that the 233 w/ cache would be worthwhile over the non-cache version , or should I be looking for a faster [266, 292,300] unit?? Seems to me that the original 233 imac is not all that much slower than the 333 model, but that aint no powerbook!!
Thanks again... MV


macrumors 68020
Feb 12, 2005
L2 cache can make all the difference. If you've got a 233 w/ cache to swap out the cacheless processor, it's a worthwhile swap (the cacheless wallstreet was a crippled machine). I wouldn't bother seeking out a faster processor (266, 292, 300) unless it's a third-party upgrade, for example the Sonnet Crescendo G3 and G4 upgrades.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 1, 2004
central Michigan
Well,,,, cache does make a huge difference. Actually at this point it seems an entirely satisfactory web browser, data entry, machine. Not quite as fast as a 1400 w/ a sonnet 466 cpu, but no hassels w/ later software. The 1400c does have a nicer screen, keyboard, and weighs less tho.... MV
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