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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 20, 2014
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However, this time, Cena may not go down via pinfall to The Beast Incarnate. This time, Lesnar could accomplish WWE's No. 1 draw tap out. It would absolutely be a moment that no one expects, and if it happens, it could appulse Cena on a actual acute level.

The accuracy is that WWE has formed actual harder to accomplish Lesnar attending as able and as ascendant as possible. For all of the plan they accept put into him, accepting it just al of a sudden abandon at the easily of Cena may be a little harder for abundant of the WWE affectionate to believe.

Of course, to brainstorm that Cena would lose afresh and in such a abominable appearance as a tapout seems awful absurd as well. But it could be that WWE has corrective itself into a bend with this match, and admirers could get the shock to end them all at Night of Champions.

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