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Anywhere Apps

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 1, 2023

Hi everyone!

I'm an app developer and mum of two, and I created this flashcard app in my spare time as a teaching aid for my little boy to help him learn to recognise alphabet letters. As he progressed, I added simple words and sight words. I hope it could be useful for other families too.

It's intended for kids aged 3 - 7 and their grown-ups.

Requires iOS 17 or watchOS 10.

App Store link

I have recently updated the watchOS interface and I would love your feedback!

  • Choose to focus on learning the alphabet or on reading words
  • Simple words for beginning readers ("am", "get"). Sight words for advanced readers ("why", "little").
  • Watch face complications and Smart Stack widgets
  • Big text, bright colours, gentle animations
  • No ads, no subscriptions, no sign-up, no personal info
  • Works offline

Anywhere ABC watch app marketing image.png
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