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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 3, 2010

Long time lurker, first time poster. Having a minor niggle that I hope someone can help with.

I bought an iPad by accident at the weekend. I only went in to look at it but half an hour of playing with it was all I needed! I'm very happy with it as a device and it does pretty much everything I need from a casual use computer.

The only problem I'm having is with replying to emails. The standard email format for replying to long and involved emails at work is to break each point down and reply to it in turn - i.e. clicking reply and incorporating parts of the original email as quotes within the reply so that if someone says

And it's your turn to do a coffee run

I can reply to it in isolation.

As far as I can see, the iPad doesn't let me do this. If you reply to an email the whole thing is quoted and indented, but trying to isolate parts of the original is proving difficult. I can't see how to toggle identation on and off, and hitting backspace just scrolls back up within the indentation rather than removing it at that line.

Am I missing something? It's the only thing that's really annoying me at the moment.

Grateful for any advice. Thanks.
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