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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 25, 2007
The team at has been very busy lately. Between getting a new server running for the ModMyiPhone web site and developing their new iPhone Skinner program, it's a wonder they've gotten any sleep at all!

iPhone Skinner is a web-based application that allows user to upload a background, icons, and dock images to a project workspace to create custom Apple iPhone themes. Once uploaded, creating a new theme or "skin" is as simple as dragging and dropping images onto the example Apple iPhone. You can also drag and drop the Display Order, to rearrange icons on the Apple iPhone's Home Page.

The ModMyiPhone team reportedly has a few features and tweaks left to work out, as well as creating a How-To guide, but version one is released and ready for use. Hats off to the ModMyiPhone team!
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