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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 23, 2016
Palo Alto, CA

I am working on a GPS Tracking App for Developer. After installing the app and registering an account, the user can access the coordinates from my secure server via all possible programming languages. Here the link to my project website:

I would also like to show the devices location on a map. My first thought was to use the Google Maps JavaScript API. But unfortunately I found out today, that the maps api service from google is not for free for asset tracking apps. I think my app would fall under that category.

Does anyone of you know a good google maps api alternative, that allows me to display the users location for free? I liked the design of Mapbox streets a lot, but its the same problem here that its not for free.

I am looking forward to your suggestions. Thanks a lot in advance already!



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 23, 2016
Palo Alto, CA
Hi organicCPU,

thanks for your answer! Yes, I know OpenStreetMap, but honestly, I think the map just looks awful. Take a look at this:

I visited Mapnik link you posted, thanks for the tip. But do they have cartographic data? Or just the algorithms behind it? I would like to show the users location on a map. And I do not have the underlying map data for it :)



macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2016
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 23, 2016
Palo Alto, CA
Wow, organicCPU, thats an awesome explanation. Thanks a lot for that! But I think (at least for now) it feels like I am taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut like this. I am happy about my few users that I have for my free app, but this would be really too much. I was really more looking for a ready to use API that I just need to feed with my longitude and latitude pair and I get a nicely looking map for the user.

For now I think I will stick with google maps, because it is for free for me as long as the app is for free. If I decide to change the app to a paid model, i think I have to bite the bullet and pay google as well.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2016
You're welcome. Maybe there are other MacRumors readers, who actively make use of OpenStreetMap data for their websites. I'm sure they could point you to the right direction, that is easy to manage and similar to a Google Maps API implementation.
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