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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 17, 2010
App Q&A testing by request.
Years iOs6 days, there was a web page where you could enter in a URL, point to an icon png, and it would let you create a Bookmark on your home screen.

It was, iirc, originally designed to let you do icons to toggle settings like airplane mode.

I used it to make an icon for a mailto url Icon on my iPad v1 and my iPod Touch 4.

ANYWAY, I now have an iPhone and would like to put said icon/mailto bookmark on it as well, but my googling for the page is not going well, so I figured I'd ask if anyone recalls such a thing.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 17, 2010
App Q&A testing by request.
Well, my continued googling of this issue, I found that what I had used was a "DATA URL".

Back then, I made it with a website that would generate them with either icons you loaded, or ones it had...can't find that at all.

BUT, by getting the "data url" made when i click the icon on my iPad, then pasting that extremly long url into safari on the iPhone..letting the page "load", triggering the mail, then canceling the mail, and THEN saving that page (the data url page) to the homescreen, it created the icon (the icon graphic is stored in the public folder of my dropbox) with the "program name" .
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