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macrumors member
Dec 7, 2001
support ISRAEL?


What has supporting Israel ever done for us? They sunk our intel boat during the Yom Kipur war, and did we do anything? NO. They exacerbate their problems with Zionist jingoism, they billigerantly attack their arab neighbors in selfish land grabs, they commit mass murder in the refugee camps, and we look the other way. We fund them, they are first in line for all of our foreign aid, Egypt is second....hmmmmm...we suddenly have our hands in all the major players pants, gee dude, that seem ethical to you? Of course they're in a constant state of seige, they raid, pillage and plunder, of course they're going to make enemies. We need to back off from that part of the ME, clamp down on all trade, we're talking total isolation of Israel, Palestine, Lebonon, and let them fight it out on their own. hey, we should be doing that for all civil wars, just keep 3rd party players out and let the primary agents commit their crap. The French supplied arms to the Hutu's during the Rwandan genocice, look what happen. We supply arms to the Zionist extremist state, and look at all the friends it earned us. Our European allies aren't very keen on Israel, the Dutch have been talking about hauling Sharon's rear to a crimes against humanity tribunal. But you know what, there's not much in the way of justice when the only 800 pound global gorilla says its good to let the little Zionist pipsqueek raise hell. Sure the Israeli army is well trained and equipped, but what would it be without American equipment?

Furthermore, why not simply take Jeruselum by a UN force with mandate to exterminate and turn it into an international city. The UN needs more bite, it needs a standing army, it needs the ability to use lethal force. A Chicago public school kindergartner can kick the rears of an entire UN detachment of blue helmets, they're a freaking joke, and why do you ask? Because USA doesn't want commitment so it waters down all the mandates to cover its huge huge huge ass.

Look, it only takes some will, and a lot good can be done. I mean, we are capable of projecting enormous violence, look at the Battle of the Black Sea, at the cost of 19 american lives, over a thousand of the somalis were eradicated. that's a huge return for the investment. I'm not saying that the Mog was a good thing, I'm saying that we have the ability to really flex some muscles, but mostly we ***** foot around. Bush can and should yank the choke collar on Israel. The elimination of Arafat would only leave a power vacuum and a perfect excuse for the Israelis to occupy all of Palestine. Incidently that was the rationale behind leaving Saddam in place, he's more predictable than a power vacuum. Because a power vacuum would have led to a civil war with definite Kurdish involvemnt, drawing Turkey into the war, they invoke the Nato Charter and the rest of the west would be in Baghdad within days of Saddam's elimination.

Come on people, look at the fat picture. If we are against terrorism, then certainly we should not condone those commited by even our allies.

Also, let me go on record as saying that I have nothing against the Jews, I have Jewish buddies here on campus. I do have a problem with people using religion to justify the continuity of their political system. We accused the Taliban of religious extremism, what about Israel? When ever there is an attack against Israel, it becomes an assault against Judaism. What BS is that?
I understand what you're saying...

... and I do need to complete the formulation of my opinions of Israel. But currently, they are the only real democratic state--or one of the few--in the area. And for religious reasons I believe Israel needs to and has the right to exist. Am I saying that they have the right to terrorize their enemies? No. Just like we do not. Like I said, I need to complete the formulation of my opinions here, but currently, I do support our alliance with Israel. Isolating Israel is frighteningly reminiscient of Biblical prophecies of Israel surrounded by enemies on all sides in the last days. I do not believe that it will be in our best interests to isolate them. Criticize them when they do something wrong, perhaps. But break off from them? No. Nor am I sure that I support a powerful UN, either, again, all for purely personal, religious reasons. But this really is a debate best reserved for another posting area. If you wish to discuss this with me further, please feel free to e-mail me privately. This thread--that I've contributed to--is light years away from anything having to do with the Macintosh.

Ya know, it takes a bit of deliberate effort to enter one of these threads. What's forcing you to do it? I do agree that it's completely irrelevant to the site as a whole, and that's why I suggested that tadpole e-mail me privately. But you really don't need to be here if you don't want to be.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 26, 2001
like kethoticus said, this is irrelevant, but it is bringing up some interesting points. Ignore the cocky little ****s who dont have anything to add.

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