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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 1, 2007
Hong Kong
I'm not sure the model of Mac really matters, but I have a base M2 Air (256gb)

My SSD has had around 160gb storage free. Today, for some reason, most of the day it dropped down to around 99gb free.

Now, it's back up to around 160gb.

Any ideas why that would happen?


macrumors 68030
Oct 24, 2021
It is really hard to say based on what you have told us. My best guess would be you had a bunch of photos that were uploaded to iCloud? It is possible you downloaded an update. It installed and then deleted the download? Some other data was synced to iCloud and uploaded.

Otherwise it doesn't make sense unless there was a glitch in the system reporting tool and it just corrected itself.

I Dion't know what else to think. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
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