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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 23, 2015
Rocklin, CA
I'm running into an issue updating my iPhone 11 Pro Max. This has happened twice now, with both the 13.1 and 13.01 updates. First, with 13.1, the update downloaded but I was on a call, and selected the install later option. I put in my password, and then was told, the update would be automatically installed that night. Well, after getting done with my call, I went back in and installed the update, now. The phone rebooted, with the Apple logo but just a spinner. No progress bar or writing the update...just a spinner. I let the phone sit for over a half hour and still a spinner. I forced restarted the phone and it booted up, and then I got a screen to put in my password to enable the automatic update that evening...Then there was a message that I had been updated to IOS 13...not 13.1. Went back and tried installing the update again but the same thing happened...rebooted...spinner for over a half hour, force restart, put in password, to update that night...update message again to 13...

I did some searching and on a whim, disabled automatic updates. Went through the download and install of 13.1, and this time it worked. After the phone rebooted, I turned automatic updates back on. Now, fast forward to the 13.01 update today. Not thinking, I downloaded and installed the update. Same thing as rebooted...Apple logo and just a spinner. Let it sit for like 20 minutes and force restarted...Phone booted up...again, a password screen to enable the automatic update that night...and then the message, that I had been updated to IOS13! lol. Turned off automatic updates, and boom, update installed fine.

It's like my original request to delay the update way back on 13.1 is stuck in the system and won't clear itself. I guess on the next update, I can just let it update itself overnight to see if it clears up the issue. Leave automatic updates off or just wipe the phone and start over. Just seems really weird...Anyone with any insights on what may be going on?


macrumors 65816
Oct 21, 2007
Glasgow, UK
Don’t know why it’s happening but I’m having the same problem with my 11 Pro. I had not selected to delay the update. Disabling automatic update appears to have now worked for me and 13.1.1 has installed.
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