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macrumors 68030
Original poster
I recently picked up a few AU plug ins for Logic/Garageband. The Chameleon 5000 synth and the Albino synth, very fun and crazy sounding.

Just wondering what AU plug ins are you using?

Which ones are good and which ones are not so good. What is worth the $ and will actually lead to some productivity and which are just novelties.

I don't have any VST host apps (other than audio hijack pro) but I would also like to know which VST plus are worth noting as I believe I can purchase a vst to Au adapter plug..

Thanks! :)


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
I love Apple's own AUMatrixReverb. Its a production filter, so it's use makes voice recording using close proxity mics sound a little warmer and more natural. I love it.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Damn, it's tough startin a thread on this board,

ok well, some of the Plug ins I've been looking at are

The Native Instruments plug ins, I have been told that they are the way to go.

Yes? No?

How do you think the Logic Synths like the es1, ect. stand up to some of the third party synth plug ins?

Also, what about the Jam pack instruments, are they up to par with some of the third party plug in instruments?

Anyone? :)


macrumors 65816
Jan 25, 2005
My favorite vsts -
  • Waves Diamond plug-ins - Very very expensive(!) I couldnt afford them for home use, but great for using for free at work!
  • Sonic Charge - Microtonic - Fantastic little drum synth. Made by Magnus Lidström who designed the Malstrom synth in Reason. Cheap, great sounds, what more could you ask for.
  • Reaktor - Incredible modular synth. If you can think it, you can build it. I did my final year project at Uni on Reaktor and I barely scratched the surface. I mainly use Reaktor to make synths that I cant easily get (bizarre granular synths with loads of wierd effects).
  • Pro-53 - All of the Native Instrument plugins are great, this is another pick of mine. Lush pads, cutting leads, great basses are all here. A VST emulation of the Prophet 5 synth (for you old skool analogue types!)
  • Reason - OK this one is cheating, as its not technically a VST, but it can be used as one over ReWire. Basically this is the dogs danglies I couldnt live without this.

I love geeky threads like this :D


Moderator emeritus
Jan 19, 2003
London, England
I'm not a great fan of plug-ins generally, mainly because I like the originals so much, I tend to use TDM plugs with Protools HD when I'm mixing, but rely on hardware when tracking (except for reverb).

These are the plug-ins available on the HD systems I use:

Waves Diamond pack
NI Reaktor
NI Absynth
NI Kontact
TC Electronic tools bundle
Altiverb 5.1
Sony Oxford EQ/compressors
Bomb Factory dynamics
Focusrite D2/D3 EQ/dynamics
Drawmer Dynamics
Antares Autotune TDM

Protools TDM native plugs

I really like some of the Logic effects too, especially BitCrusher, and the Space designer reverb is sweet, but isn't as generally useful as Altiverb or the Waves IR1.

I tend to use Reason ReWired into PT if I'm programming (I use the term loosely), and have been known to put a rhythm track together in Garageband and bounce the tracks to PT to track and mix.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Great resonses!

Wow, those posts were really helpful,

There are just so many plugs to choose from and I am relatively new to Logic and AU plugs... :eek:

The Reaktor Plug sounds fantasic, how much would that set me back in U.S $?

And what is the deal with using VST plugs in Logic, "wrapper, adapter?" Are VST plugs overall better than AU, is there a differance?

Why is there a differance, why not make plugs that are universal? Well I guess some are.

Thanks again for the great replies. :)

Anyone else?


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Waves Diamond plug-ins - Very very expensive(!) I couldnt afford them for home use, but great for using for free at work!

wow your not kidding, over 4 g's for that bundle, man they better mix, master, promote, and sell your music for that price....Yikes! :D
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