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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 1, 2002
Dallas, TX
What is with you kids? I have been reading this forum for 2 years and you kids get in such a frothing frenzy just before a new PowerMac comes out. You ladies are showing your inexperience by expecting some new computer that will have the powers of God, and be built with as much silicone as Pam Anderson, and do the same for you in the bedroom.

Take it from an old timer, never buy the new stuff. Save a thousand and buy the discontinued model. The old Dual G4 was your pagan God 6 months ago, so why not now?

Second, Apple needs to hire some new marketing people, big time. I don't understand why they are so vigilant about keeping rumors quiet, then they release a new ugly Silver Swiss cheese looking computer you can't even buy for 2 months in the biggest downturn in the computer industry. Now what is up with that? Is this rumor marketing or vaporware? In 2 months, the 3GHZ P4 and DUAL 3GHZ Opterons will be here. Hello...

Third, Apple should hold off on over hyping those benchmarks. Independant tests don't show the same results. Instead of 69% faster, the Dual 1GHZ G4 is more like 60% slower than a 2200 AMD Athlon XP+. You know what I mean. Everybody has seen the indie benchmarks.

Apple even made the mistake saying the 500MHZ G4 was the first G4 PowerMac. If you recall, Apple did a last minute turn-around and switched it after thousands of frenzy Mac worshippers laid down $3,000 to give them a 50-100MHZ slower system with 128MB more RAM. Remember?

Apple, you better shape up or ship out.

Peter ;)


macrumors regular
Aug 12, 2002
I nearly spit out my coke when I read the post title. If the new G4s included PA in tights, yeah, I'd buy two! :)


macrumors 6502
Jul 18, 2001
Hmm this deserves a flame imo. 1st. Im all 4 u sayin that many of us over react to Apple releases but try to understand. To many of us Apple is the only computer company and always will be. Furthermore ur basically complaining about how newbs and a few elders often react to releases. Well imo ur a newb no matter how long u were here just reading ((and here comes the insult)) or were u too chicken to post huh. Quasi JK :D :rolleyes: :D :rolleyes:
Oh man I really should really read all of peoples posts.
So not only do u make fun of members newb or not even though ur a newb but u make fun of Apple itself. GAH bad day to say this man. Look Apple marketing is just fine no other computer computer company (-dell) ships anysooner then 2 months after a PR. SJ is doing the right thing by killing all the rumors because other wise Apple would no longer inovate because other companies would catch on 2 quickly and steal the idea. Instead of them being shocked and unable to produce the hardware w/ in the 2months remaining before shipping. Sure the Opteron is shipping early october and release in late sept. but so what it still will be using windows so who cares. As 4 the P4 who gives the P4 sucks it has since it came out all they do is make a larger fsb to allow for faster cpu speeds leaving all the other system bottlenecks to destroy the system. did u know that actually theres 2 processors in the p4 but its next to impossible to differentiiate em because of its design. Furthermore the P4 currently is equall to a 1.7ghz p3. And don't go poopooing my sources thats from Anandtech a respected computer site. And yes I know a 1.7ghz p3 is impossible but its theorectical. So there and even though Apples new tower may have those hoeky air intakesit still beats a gray or black box w/ a sticker on it.
Hmm I guess thats all. And if ur offended just remeber this is nothing agaist u personally Im just trying to correct ur beleifs. Getting mad at me is just as dumb as argueing w/ a spell checker :D


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 1, 2002
Dallas, TX
Download PA in tights.

Hey look. The new PowerMac G4 can download pics of Pam Anderson with tights just as fast as the old one.

Computer______File_________Download Time
1.25GHz G4 Pam_Anderson.jpg 3 seconds
1.00GHz G4 Pam_Anderson.jpg 3 seconds

Get the point?



macrumors 6502
Jul 18, 2001
ahh more autism my this fellow named peter2002. Um maybe that kind-o relates to ur internet connection not ur computer. I hope that was supposed to be a joke
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