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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 19, 2003
I have searched everywhere and experimented with lots of windows being open. It's located under window/bring all to front. It doesn't seem to do anything.



macrumors 6502
Mar 25, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
In OSX you can bring a window to the front without bringing all the application's other windows to the front.

Try this:
Open Safari, and then open another window in safari so you have 2 safari windows.

Now bring the finder to the front.

Now click on one of the Safari windows to bring it to the front.

If your windows are small enough then you will see one safari window follwed by the finder window/s then another safari window behind the finder window/s.

Selecting 'Bring all to the front' will bring all your safari windows together ahead of the finder windows.
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