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Taustin Powers

macrumors 6502
Apr 5, 2005
Picked up Hitman 2 agaiin after three years of being distracted from it. Finally finished the Miami level and am att 2 down in Colombia. Simply love those games! :)

Taustin Powers

macrumors 6502
Apr 5, 2005
Anyone grabbing the TLOU2 Remaster? I'm happy to spend the ten bucks on the upgrade, had been looking forward to a second playthrough!


macrumors 68000
Feb 19, 2016
Picked up Hitman 2 agaiin after three years of being distracted from it. Finally finished the Miami level and am att 2 down in Colombia. Simply love those games! :)

Yes, Hitman is a great series. Of the current generation of games, I think Hitman 2 is the best (Druglord hippos! F1-style paddock! Mumbai chaos!).

Anyone grabbing the TLOU2 Remaster? I'm happy to spend the ten bucks on the upgrade, had been looking forward to a second playthrough!

I plan to...unless the additional content receives a lot of bad reviews. Still, ten bucks isn't much for an upgrade to an incredible game.

Taustin Powers

macrumors 6502
Apr 5, 2005
Do you see a big difference in graphics in TLOU2 Remaster? From the media I have seen online, they look nearly identical.

I still bought the upgrade and look forward to replaying it.

Taustin Powers

macrumors 6502
Apr 5, 2005
Played an hour of Alan Wake Remaster yesterday. My first contact with the game. Not feeling it so far, I feel like it may not have aged well. I wanted to try it since the sequel is getting such good reviews.


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2006
GoW Ragnarok. Having a blast so far.

Albeit i'm having to relearn the combat mechanic whilst the enemies seem notably tougher


macrumors 68000
Oct 26, 2012
Played an hour of Alan Wake Remaster yesterday. My first contact with the game. Not feeling it so far, I feel like it may not have aged well. I wanted to try it since the sequel is getting such good reviews.

i was the same, struggled through it. the storyline and cut scenes were great, so i wanted to finish it for those reasons, plus i want to play the sequel. but the actual combat especially was awful, so dated.


macrumors 603
Aug 20, 2005
Thank you Jah...I'm so Blessed
Do you see a big difference in graphics in TLOU2 Remaster? From the media I have seen online, they look nearly identical.

I still bought the upgrade and look forward to replaying it.
They're identical to my eyes, I would say it's smoother with higher fps but thats about it. The real thing is "No Return" which im enjoying I just wish it was coop

I'm going through story mode for like the fourth time now...I just love the combat in this game.


macrumors newbie
Feb 1, 2024
Since Remnant 2 was added to GamePass, I started it -- really enjoying it so far. I played the first one and all of the DLC for a while. This is basically an improvement across the board. This will keep me occupied for a while, with some Forza Motorsport sprinkled in here and there.
I love Remnant so much, I've also gone through everything I can and now I'm about to start part 2. I hope it will be just as good, or even better.
By the way, I recently went to the official site and found a lot of interesting things here, so I recommend that you familiarize yourself


macrumors 65816
Mar 8, 2020
A short hike - blessing from a single man developer but sooo good on switch.


macrumors 6502
Mar 7, 2014
I was playing a lot of Battlefield 5, but switched to Dead Island 2 and Amnesia: The Bunker.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I picked up Star Wars Dark Forces - remastered for my PS5. I'm enjoying the 1995 era game. Quite a lot has changed with gaming since then. The PC version does not support the mouse, which is why I opted for the PS5. The mazes are needlessly confusing, but overall its a fun game.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 15, 2002
Corning, NY
I picked up Star Wars Dark Forces - remastered for my PS5. I'm enjoying the 1995 era game. Quite a lot has changed with gaming since then. The PC version does not support the mouse, which is why I opted for the PS5. The mazes are needlessly confusing, but overall its a fun game.
Really? Didn't even realize this. I'm playing on the Steam Deck and the controls are awesome.

Had you played the game when it first came out? I personally always loved the mazes and puzzles (and find them more difficult than most games now) ... and the lack of in-level saves or checkpoints made the stakes even higher.


macrumors 68040
Jun 5, 2013
Just started up playing Diablo 4 online with partner - loving it as a change of pace from Halo Infinite king of the hill. Also started playing SuperHot, which might be one of the most intriguing gameplay mechanics, and clever stylisations I've ever played.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
I have been delving into Star Citizen. I bought my ship/pledge sometime last year. Game was almost unplayable then for me, every mission it would glitch out and basic stuff just became really frustrating so I put it down for a year. I updated a month ago and was pleasantly surprised that all the major glitches I had were gone and I could actually play the game. Still lots of glitches, seems to be an eternal alpha game, but I am able to get my ship, fly around, do some missions with it rarely glitching out. The game is stunning when going in and out of orbit, and the pure scale of it all is amazing. Love the realism and detail put into the game, as well as a generally friendly, helpful and generous user base.
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