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Roderick Usher

macrumors regular
Dec 9, 2006
Neither of these dudes produce games....
LOL, what? MS does a ton of actual game development as well as publishing.

Also, Macworld had a recent article that I thought summarized fairly well why Mac gaming is in the state that it is.

Bootcamp makes the whole Mac gaming issue go away doesn't it?
Not at all. Reverting to Windows to play games does absolutely nothing for the strength of OS X in terms of its native software library - which includes games.


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2006
In a nutshell: Apple Inc.

That is why Mac isn't a viable gaming platform and the things look now, it doesn't seem like the situation will change anytime soon.

1. DirectX is the best and most known graphics API in the market and it is Microsoft proprietary.

2. Steve Jobs hates 3D, this is why a MacBook comes with a shoddy GMA 950 and a $2500 Mac Pro comes with a 7300GT

3. No Mac, except the 2500$ workstation, can be upgraded... this means even if the cards were good they would suck long term.

4. Macs have enough gamers to appeal to casual or moderate gamers. Most people with desires to play all the latest games will actually be *glad* to play their games in WinXP (which is a MUCH better gaming platform than OSX in terms of features, performance and flexibility).

5. Parallels and VMWare virtual machines are already starting to implement 3D acceleration.

So basically, don't expect to see much more native games than we see now, that X1600 in the iMacs and MBP are lousy mid range at best and while its enough to play games, it won't cut it a few months from now. Don't even get me talking on the GMA 950.

Basically there is no market and for those hardcore gamers, companies are just going to say, oh let them use bootcamp, for the casual gamers they are just going to say, well enough games are already ported to appease those crowds.

It is all Apple's fault really, if they really wanted they could have a great gaming market, they just need to make the right decisions but obviously Steve Jobs doesn't think gaming an important market for Apple.
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